asphyxiated desolation profile picture

asphyxiated desolation

a thousand year journey in the blink of an eye.

About Me

NOTICE: i will not add you simply because you have 'blah blah' tricked out car with 'blah blah' upgrades, or because you think that my car is neato or swanky. get a bit more creative. take a few moments to read my profile, then decide if you're wasting my time or not.
i also will not add you just because you are a band, or in a band. that shit gets annoying real fast.

i'm boring.
ask me questions, or dont.
i excel at breathing.
i drive my car.
i am at my best when i am peeing.
i really enjoy having my eyes open in very dark rooms.
i like to pretend that what i say, matters.
i like to pretend that people listen to me.

My Interests

80's movies, aqua teen hunger force, bass guitar, brak, computers, cowboy bebop, gasaraki, initial d, japanime, neon genesis evangelion, robotech, sealab 2021, thinking, thinking excessively, troma

I'd like to meet:

teenagers from mars.
people in coffins.
people that breathe.
people that ask nothing of me.
people that expect nothing of me.

Adorable - Homeboy
Music Video Codes


a man called (e), adorable, alice donut, aphex twin, ashtrayhead, atmosphere, babyland, bardots, bauhaus, beautiful south, big black, catherine wheel, chemlab, clint mansell, cocteau twins, cubanate, daisy chainsaw, david bowie, david sylvian, dead kennedys, delerium, download, echo & the bunnymen, eels, einsturzende neubauten, evil mothers, fad gadget, fields of the nephilim, frank and walters, frank tovey, front 242, front line assembly, garbage, gary numan, godflesh, grim faeries, gus gus, gwar, gwen mars, howard jones, human league, imperial teen, ipecac loop, jawbreaker, jellyfish, jesus and mary chain, jesus jones, killing joke, king missile, kitchens of distinction, kmfdm, liz phair, local h, low flying owls, lush, lustmord, marilyn manson, mark spybey, meat beat manifesto, meatmen, ministry, misfits, mkultra, morrissey, muse, my bloody valentine, ned's atomic dustbin, nine inch nails, nirvana, nofx, ocean blue, ohgr, papa brittle, pig, pigface, pixies, polak, police, prick, pulp, pwei, radiohead, raymond watts, ride, roxy music, ruby, rx, ryuichi sakamoto, samhain, see colin slash, simple minds, siouxsie and the banshees, skinny puppy, slowdive, slug, smashing pumpkins, split enz, squeeze, steel pole bathtub, steve albini, stone roses, suede, superdrag, supergrass, tear garden, tears for fears, tetrisphere, the cure, the residents, the smiths, the the, thompson twins, tweaker, underworld, vandals, veruca salt, voltaire, wumpscut, xtc, xymox, ymo, zeromancer


baseketball, cannibal the musical, fahrenheit 451, fight club, momento, pi, plain clothes, requiem for a dream, running man, south park, terror firmer, tromeo and juliet, videodrome


Adult Swim.


In The Penal Colony, Ken's All True Guide To The Bible, The Bible (best source of fiction that i know of)


JG Ballard, Franz Kafka, William S Burroughs

My Blog

San Jose Accident - look out for people like these live near San Jose, but the importance is that the person that died in the car, was one of my best friend's dad.his dad had spent the last few years recovering f...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:22:00 PST

for no reason...

it just came to mind exactly how much i miss the sound of tires losing traction around a turn at 6500rpm...the high pitch squeal of shredding rubber against pavement...  the blissful sound of the...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:43:00 PST

taps 2

i pulled the motor apart.not only was the head gasket blown, but the piston in cylinder 4 is completely vented.  the area of the piston between the compression rings 1 and 2 and just above the oi...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 12:25:00 PST


my 4age (motor) in my mr2 is dead.apparently, when the motor dropped (back in august) it did more damage than i initially thought.  i knew the coolant filler cap & passenger side motor mount ...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:31:00 PST

33 questions.

i normally don't repost crap like this. . . BUT it was fun to fill out, so here ya go.  YOU'RE ON MY FRIENDS LIST, I WANNA KNOW YOU...I want to know 33 things about you. I don't care if we never ...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 10:46:00 PST

uh... yeah.

this is something that i posted on a board dedicated to a band that i really do enjoy and have enjoyed for many years...i really had fun writing this. :)----just my 2 cents...why the hell are there so...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 03:08:00 PST

future date

4/6- Bimbo's 365 Club San Francisco CAi'll be there.  why?Jesu live.  that is all.
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:14:00 PST


just recently, i hit up Tower Records, and bought the cd '3' by Final.  i'm addicted to it.  it hasnt left the cd player in the AllTrac since i put it in yesterday morning.i've missed music ...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 10:31:00 PST

new cds!

my room mate told me that Tower Records is going out of business, so i decided to see what they had.  i picked up the following cds.Ministry - Greatest FitsSex Pistols - Never Mind The BullocksDr...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 12:26:00 PST

the morning commute

so, on the way to work this morning, some jackass decided to not use his turn signal, and switched lanes right in front of me.  ahhh!!!  hate it!  so, when it was clear, i change lanes ...
Posted by asphyxiated desolation on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:18:00 PST