Music,Writing,Drawing,Traveling,Learning,Experiencing Life,Meeting New People,Getting Paid,Booty,And Having a $uckn' BLAST doing each one,when things are rolling on a positive note!!!
COOL ASS PEOPLE(Male or Female/don't matter),that have all their marbles circulating in the head(or the ones they have left-heeheehee!!!)!!!
Music was the first PuppyLove,that didn't stomp a nigga's heart as a toddler.Music is the first LoveJones,that didn't $uck around,behind a nigga's back and shit!I take her really SERIOUS,ya dig?!?But she has alot of girlfriends I $uck wit,on a daily.....Hip Hop,Underground Hip Hop,Trip Hop,Old School(70's and some 80's shit),Reggae(Roots and beyond),Soul(some),Neo Soul,Jazz(many styles of),RnB(some),Club(some),Derty Derty(some),House,Jungle(some),and whatever else tickles my ears,and put's that"UUUUHHHH,THAT'S THE SHIT!!"expression on my face.
I'm mostly a comedy head,but I'm in to STAR WARS,SCAREFACE,KUNGFU FLICKS,ANIME,BLAXPLOITATION FLICKS,and some other kino interest,that have meaning.....Basicly,I can hang with almost any catagorie(I'm easy at times,you know?!)....But I'll say this,to the directors that put out the GARBAGE nowadays,you should recieve a ghetto ass beatdown,stripped to your birthday suit,and thrown out in the middle of the street,so you can exprience the agony we had to endure from watching that wack shit(alittle harsh,I know....but that's how I feel people-heeheehee!!!)!!!!!!!
Basicly the same,when I have time to view the"Idiot Box"....
Almost any book with the pages,that expand my way of thinking in a more broad perspective....
My Family(No Question),People who have gone against and tore through the grain with blood,sweat,tears,and struggle to make a gateway for themselves and others.DREAMERS!GO-GETTERS!And last but not least,The All Seeing,All Knowing for inventing the perfect video game called"LIFE".............