Ive created this Productions page for in hopes to maybe get involved somehow in three things I like...2 of them I will name, Wrestling and Music...and the third, just take a guess, I AM a guy afterall...The Slideshow down below here is for my way of showing off the Ladies, being THE Seamonkey, I have given these Lovelies the name of Seaductresses and NO, if anyones wondering, it has NOTHING to do with anything bad...
well pretty much anyone with the same interests as me and may know about Production stuff like putting together videos and such...
any Rock band that sounds good to me
Low-Budget Horror flicks, Movies made from Comics (mostly Marvel Comics)
Seaductress slideshow area :)
R.I.P CASEY CALVERT!!! Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman... Jeff Jarrett for making wrestling what it should be which is WRESTLING again with TNA :)