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popaw's girl

I am here for Friends

About Me

..myspace layouts :: Get this layout .everytme i think i've found myself, i relize i'm lost.but then i realize, every trouble we must pass through, makes us stronger, and teaches us a lesson we had to learn. sometimes we're too nice. sometimes we're too hard...life is not a destination, it is a journey. learn as you go. dance sing-- act a fool. ultimatley there's only one that can judge...." though we may call HIM by a thousand different names HE is 1 in the same to us all." -Gaundii think i am a philosopher...but only because i know that all those who wander are NOT lost. i'm alWAYS tryIN 2 maKe PEOPLE SMILE...so someTIMES i come OFF a little goOFy! i'm easily amused..but NOT easliy entertained. i have just become able to call myself an ARTIST. ***i LOVE my son<~he is an AMAZING person {in spite of being MY son}~>with a PASSION, i never KNEW XSISTed until THE SUMMER SOLSTISTS OF 1993.*** []the human TONGUE & EYEBALL are two of it's fastest HEALING organs - i find it SAD that the i like lifeeeee that WAY..it's why as CHILDREN life seems to pass so slowly...as we grow older more jaded and lives BECOME moreandmore ROUTINE it seems to FLY by beCUASE we don't LOOK FORWARD to our DAYSSSS..we pass over days to get to something special and forget that EVERY DAY is a gift..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



i love all kinds of music.....just like everyone else! ....i feel it is truley an expression of the heart, music INSPIRES us EVERYDAY it takes amazing talent to create. like FiNE vIsuaL arT; wE liSTEn to WhaTEVER OUR soulS CRavE @ tHaT moMenT I loVE BLUE OCTOBER--& theGRAYSCHULER band-wHEn I miSS hoMe; mYsoul CRAVES U!sneaKeRpiMps-ALABAMA- lYnard sKYnarD-blINK 182- wiDEsprEAD pANiC!-beYoncE;the list goes on and on ....;-)


the on going series.....LIFE. but one deserves mention.. ..


.. ".. ..


"chewing gum for the mind....." i'm not a sports fanatic but i do enjoy watching a finely tuned athlete perform to their very best.... so i do support my bayou boys....if it's not purple & gold it better have a fleur-de-lei on it!!


the awakening by kate chopin, the da vinci code, jane eyer, wuthering heights, wicked, i like edgar allen poe, and of course the greatest work of literature ever created. i buy INSTYLE magazines just for the ads...one days dream is the next's reality...all you have to do is wake up and make it happen!


THRUthepast2years MY SON has proved to me he's much more of a MAN than most of the ones I'VE meet LATELY.. ..they DON'T make men like my popaw any more..he was a legend in his own time, NOT only to his FAMILY, but to ANYONE who was fortune enough to cross his path, through work, church, or stuck in a pasture and needing a tug with the tractor, he would give ANYONE a hand, and always LAUGHED at the small joys in life like sitting down to a HUGE bowl of peas and cornbread my MOM & SIS are WONDERWOMEN---and they don't need a ROPE---i promise it's in the purse, bag or CAR if it is neccesary to LIFE!! ~My FRIENDS~ THEY ARE THE FAMILY WE MAKE ALONG the WAY!..but mosetly*** anyone who has NOTONLY overcome adversity...but THRIVED!!***

My Blog

life...as it is

i love this song. because it describes life as it is.  everything, everybody that touches your life, they leave a mark on your heart. they teach you lessons.  they teach us how to walk throu...
Posted by popaw's girl on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 08:21:00 PST

the one that loves me.......

  i know it's hard....but anything worth having usually is.  i so badly wanted to NOT be someone who relied on another's feelings for them to validate their exsistance.  but we all need...
Posted by popaw's girl on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 11:11:00 PST

movin’ on!!!

welp....it's that time again.  time to rearrange, READJUST, reflect.  fiqure out where to go from here and move on.  it's called life we learn we move on. so let's get on with it!!...
Posted by popaw's girl on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 02:44:00 PST

nOthankU & thankYOU

i don't really think there are words....but thank you to those people who love me i'll fiqure out something better to say at another time.
Posted by popaw's girl on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:09:00 PST

your wearin’ me out smallssss

the double standard of the world has me extremly confused....but then again i'm always confused....judge not lest ye be judged.......those who live in glass houses...etc...i don't get it.  just r...
Posted by popaw's girl on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:05:00 PST

A new era...

....no i didn't get a virus and no one phished my account!  I am starting a whole new chapter in my life.  for the first time in a long time i am excited about life and it's possibilites.&n...
Posted by popaw's girl on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 06:49:00 PST

move along, move along..like i know you'll do...

an OLD friend called me yesterday, and of course the first thing they said is "OH..girl what're you doin?"  my response was "sifting through trash bags."  .......digging thru trash....you've...
Posted by popaw's girl on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:21:00 PST


what the "F" EVERYTIME i fall in love with something it leaves me.....rite down to cinderella...she's gone, but she died honorable protecting her owner... she's actually the first vehicle i've ever be...
Posted by popaw's girl on Sat, 26 May 2007 12:13:00 PST

advertisment everywhere!!!

Posted by popaw's girl on Tue, 01 May 2007 07:38:00 PST

being the wrecking ball....

is sometimes the best thing you can be!  sometimes it takes total demolition, including a little TNT to get a job done.  sometimes you have to enlist the help of people you'd rather not ask....
Posted by popaw's girl on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 05:38:00 PST