Photography, Video/Film (watching and shooting), Music (creating and listening to...), Christian Mystics, Spiritual Astrology and Spiritual Healing, Reading, DJing, Dancing like a fraggle on nice psytrance parties, raising my frequency ;) :)
Aes Dana, Aural Planet, Bluetech, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Downhill, Entheogenic, Essential Trip, Faction, Free Q. Sense, Galaxy, Global Communication, Govinda, Gus Till, H.u.v.a. Network, Healer, Ishq, Kukan Dub Lagan, Kundara, Matenda, Midival Punditz, Mungusid, Nuclear Ramjet, Omnimotion, OTT, Patchwork, Pete Namlook, Phuture Primitive, Plastikman, Rauschfaktor, Rip 'n' Eiji, Saafi Brothers, Shpongle, Shulman, Solar Fields, Spyra, Stress Assassin, Timewarp, TIP, Toires, Tuu, Younger Brother, Zer0 one
Brazil, 1984, A clockwork Orange, Fletchers Visions, Cube, Schindlers List, Star Trek stuff (yea yea ilubz picard ;P), Scarface, Blow, Snatch and a coupla more which just don't come into my mind right now...
No thanks :)
Faust (Goethe), Ohnimus' Books, Detlefsen, Mr. Nice (howard marks;), Klein, Bible and so on :)
Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Hartwig Ohnimus