pEn profile picture


love is a piece of steak

About Me

You are Loss.Your life defines tragedy. You have experienced
great hardships on an unimaginable scale and it
has jaded your view of life.
What Emotion Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla ..................................excuse the annoying graphic preceding this "about me" section that discibes my personality..i just thought it was pen. aka lyle,stephen,paul,him,and alot more but the rest are ol dissis n shit. i h8 tokin about me. i can be a quiet, boring guy n people sumtyms get freakd out at that cuz thell lyk think m plotin sumin against them. people tell me dat m mysterious cuz u cant tell if i hate sum1 r lyk dem r m happy r sad r wut the fuck not. i giess dat mystyious part is true cuz i dont really know how to descibe maself. sum1 1ce told me i had striking eyes. what the fuck is wrong ma eyes? well, i told that biatch off that told me that shit(haha)kiddn. ya kno i luv yah sar. a pastors kid (not relli dat proud to be 1) n i h8 it wen poeple blab bowt that to other people (ya heard that tink!). i guezz iz ayt bein a PK lyk every1 olreadi assumez dat u gud n all so if i wuz to be a stoner r dealer r sumin kno1 wud guezz me (tnx tink n ate ange (zat how u spell it?) 4 the suggestion). olso it gives me sumin in cmon w marilyn manson cuz hez a PK 2. the guys n ma school see me as satan n i still figure out why. awell. i like the sound of it tho. i love makin people jealous cuz it givz me this feelin lyk i did sumin important in my worthless lyf (shit im such a geek). i think most of my friends are smaller than me cuz ppl r teln me that im big(luk at my commntz)...i need to put up a new pic of me...m to lazy to do simple thing lyk that..i h8 school..who duznt? a person half confuzed bout the aspects of life n im still searchin for my own place in this brave enough to admit that im a lil scared of commitment..i wish i was betr at putin my thoughts down to mind luks lyk a dump...a whole cluttr of unorganizd dont relli hav anithang much ta say bowt maself so cya....
look at this...its stupid but look at it anywayI scored a 48% on the "Are You REALLY Filipino?" Quiz CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW PINOY YOU ARE ...........ges im not as pinoy as i thot i was... try it..or not... oh, this is a sad thing that to be putting this on here put im supporting my school...
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You Are Fozzie Bear
"Wocka! Wocka!"
You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn't always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming. The Muppet Personality Test

My Interests

life, death, girls, cars, movies, food and food and dont forget food, sleeping, dark n freaky stuff, not bein serious, black,blood, nothing.....

click on the bunny..its friggin annoying=)

I'd like to meet:

people who understand a dude thatz really confused with what lyf is r shud b n people nyc enough to add this sad, lonely, pathetic luzr to there friend list.



Motion City Soundtrack- When You're Around


nothin boring. i'll watch wutevah as long as i dont regret watchin it 4 the rest of my life




seriously, who needs books when we got the t.v. and the internet?


um..iduno. people who r xamples to me lyk leadrs n stuff.

My Blog

who's got it?

What are we looking for Sinsemilla What are we hoping for What are we hoping for Sinsemilla Who's got the herb is what the young boys ask me Who's got the herb and then elders tell me Who's got...
Posted by pEn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

read this.itz really important........

dumbass....this shit aint important at all......i just wanted 2 write sumin cuz i don hav any entries yet......anyway,if you had enough time to waste to read this,ull have enough time to send me a mes...
Posted by pEn on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST