The whole left side of the menu, especially if its a menu I created!.
Someone who knew what the hell I am talking about!. As far as individuals, the following people come to mind, Bill Murray, Iggy, Jon Stewart(just so I can tell him, "I'm not wearing underwear" one more time), my 2nd wife(just kidding honey), and most of all an "assload" of people that are dead!!!!.
So many to mention and not enough time in the day, but a few that don't suck any time of the day.....are, Police, Zep, Sabbath, Jimi, Pixies, The Clash, Cash, Earth Wind & Fire, Grand Master Flash, James B., and many more I will get too eventually.
I'm all over the road, because I live for taste and variety taste best!!!.
Simpsons, Sienfeld, Springer, Golden girls, Whats Happening, Queer as Folk, Sex Talk w/ Sue Johanssen, and alot more!!!.
If I could read, then "The Down Low", Drag Queens, for Dummies, Anarchist Cookbook, See Spot Run, and Mary Worth
Dad(Harry Harvey), John Bonham, Jimi, Mel, John Lennon, Spor, Wonder Woman, and more!!!.