Aviation, Nascar, Music, Singing, Boating & Fishing, Nature, History, Reading, Scanner radios, Drive-In Theaters, Astronomy, Model Trains and railroading, Religious discussions, Paranormal studies (I was a personal friend of the real George Lutz from "Amityville Horror" fame-RIP), as you can see, I have lots of varied and wide range of interests. I tend to be an introvert most times. But once you get to know me, I sometimes don't shut up... Depends on my mood.
New friends.
Anything with a good melody and tight harmonies, nice lyrics.
I have quite a large DVD collection (200+) with many varied titles. Depends on what I feel like watching and my current mood...
Classic sitcoms, Laverne & Shirley, Brady Bunch, All in the Family, The A-Team, Differen't Strokes, all the stuff I grew up with. I still laugh myself silly when I watch Looney Tunes and old Sesame Street re-runs. LOL. But I do like the newer stuff too. Seinfeld, Fraser, The Simpsons, Family Guy, CSI, Whatever keeps my interest basically. I LOVE British comedy. "Are You Being Served" anyone?
Gosh, way too many to mention. Currently reading "Jesus of Nazareth", by Pope Benedict XVI. I pretty much have a library in my house. It all depends on my mood. I read pretty much anything that manages to peak my interest!
My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Pope John Paul II, Mother Theresa, Ryan White, Terry Fox and anyone who strives to make the world a better place.