Juz A BAd Grl profile picture

Juz A BAd Grl

WouLd U giMmE dA bIzZnEss...?

About Me

Dey Call me CrAzY...N dey have a reason 2 I ignite the spark 4 Imagination Honesty is what i give n all i ask 4 Nobody knows that lil side of me.....buh i wanna show u.....shhh I LOVE cherriez....Cherry fiend yes i am Mah Fav Color is red....N green if u count sourpatch I read and write poetry.....CHEQ OUT DA BLOGS Laughin is my Anti drug ::Giggle:: Acting iz my life, my passion, my fire So dat means im a camera fien....is it dat obvious ::hehe::

My Interests

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My BaskEt of ChErRieZ
I have An Unbelievable Amount friends.


Hope U Smile

Mah J-J

MaH baJan BrothA

My Far Away DanceR





My latE night Inspiration

Bigg Butt

Bottle of Krystal





Chocolate Lova


Wendy JO ~TA~

Shanice ~TA~

AShley ~TA~


Stef Jazz ~TA~

TasTe sOme Of mY chErRieZ


The One I Gave My Heart 2
Whats ur baby's name?: Sean
Do u love him/her?: Yessir
Wut's their fave color?: blue....even though he said it was red first
Wut's their fave food?: ummm everything my mom cooks lolz
Who said I Love You first?: he did
Did u have sex with him/her?: dats kinda personal dun u tink
Does him/her know ur family?: yessir
Does ur family like him/her?: oh of course he wouldnt b in my house so much
Do u 2 have weird nicknames 4 each other? if so wut?: ummm baby scrump, seanski, seanstant and the list continues
When and where did u 2 meet?: ummm *laugh*
Who introduced u 2?: ourselves
Who made the first move?: ummm he did
What attracted u to him/her?: his conversation and his sexy ass face
What attracted him/her to u?: prob my body lolz
Do u 2 argue?: not really thank god
do u kno each other well enough to finish on another's sentences?: yes sumtymes we actually do
If u 2 had kids wut would their names be?: savannah, kashif, roquil and caro hahaha those r our actual children
Is he/she taller than u?: wouldnt have it any other way
What irritates u about him/her?: umm when he doesnt wanna tlk 2 me
What do u love most about him/her?: omg i dun tink i have enough time in the world 2 answer dis ?
Do they sing 2 u?: yes and rap
Do u sing to them?: lolz sumtymes
What's ur favorite memory u 2 shared with one another?: ooooo dats a good question
Did he/she ever make you cry?: ummm actually sort of but it wasnt his fault i guess
what's the dumbest thing you've ever argued about?: lolz...umm y he changed his myspace 2 single when he knew damn well im his wife
Does his/her family like you?: ummm half of them ::sigh::
Do you like his/her family?: yessir especially my lil munchkin baby
Is ur relationship envied?: i tink so.....most deffently
Ever feel like: dats not even a ?
What would u do if he/she dided tomorrow?: die with him.....
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My Blog

Session 13......The Truth

_// Confessions to my mindY do i cry every night when im the one that said itY dont i feel it'll b alright when im the one that did itY dont i just give in like half of me wants tocuz i cant stop lovi...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 02:33:00 PST

Session 12.....New Technology

_//Confessions to my mind: I'm angry but you my Internet friend cant see me you cant see the lines in my face and the corners of my mouth tense with frustration you cant see the thoughts running in my...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:12:00 PST

Session 11....I brought it on myself

_//Confessions to my mind   I brought it on myself all these thoughts i possess all these secrets n fears n illusions that always seem to appear maybe it's just me maybe my mind jus runs wit...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 04:04:00 PST

Session 10......The Experience

 _//Confessions to my mind I wrote a poem b4 explaining my obstacles my obstacle to love n my obstacle 2 let go but now that my obstacle has been overcome i tink theres one more thing u shou...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:30:00 PST

Session 9......The Problem With

_//Confession To My Mind: Session 9: What's wrong with IT What causes IT Wha makes people wanna stop everything to make sure dey have IT I was neva the one to claim IT I was always the one that d...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 11:17:00 PST

Session 8.......To The Brother I Neva Had

_// Confessions To My Mind:   Session 8:   In my moment of unrest I think about my quest to Impress, posses and digest another human being Someone with meaning not just a vision&...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 09:51:00 PST

Session 7......Clarification

_// Confessions To my Mind: Session 7: When reading this Don't assume that hatred exists It's the way for me to express So there's no need 4 u to guess Don't take this the wrong way But it's gonna ha...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 05:08:00 PST

Session 6.......Mirror

_//Confessions to my mind: Session 6: Constantly I look in the Mirror searching for what I've become looking for what I draw from to make me stay so numb I look into my own eyes lookin...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 07:29:00 PST

Session 5........My Plea

_//Confessions to my mind:   Session 5:   This goes out 2 all da people dat claim dey on dey shyt yes the ones dat count da chicks, suck the dicks  and feel safe being i...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Sun, 14 May 2006 08:55:00 PST

Session 4......Between me and you

_//Confessions to my mind: Session 4: Shhh....that wasn't for everyone to know...but once you tell one the stories continue to grow. I was hoping i could figure this out before everyone started a...
Posted by Juz A BAd Grl on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 05:04:00 PST