God, my children and the rest of His creation in that order!Learning, if anything I know can be imparted, then teaching!Philosophy: Pragmatic dismisal of both I Kant & R Descartes! Deep, if you dare!Sharing.MusicTell me more, then YOU!
Having met Jesus (well, He found me), I'm waiting for Him to prepare me to meet God! On the way, people that either know Him, or want to!Sally Oldfield, Celine Dion and a few others come to mind, but I enjoy meeting people that have anything in common!With my interests in music, that should include most people reading this, but having played rugby in Pauillac, working for Rothschilde, my knowledge of France and in particular the South West and wines there, but also Paris, again, if you're still reading, let me know?
Where to begin? Most of my favourites are unsung heros like:Its A Beautiful Day (origin of music ripped off to make Chld in Time and poem read at Princess Diana's funeral)Gary Wright (Some might know Dreamweaver, Light of Smiles better, sang with Spooky Tooth)RennaissanceStrawbsMountainAforementioned Sally & CelineJackson Browne (getting more familiar?)All bands I saw at 2005 Isle of Wight festival, Razorlight/Travis/SnowPatrol/REM and most Live8 performers!
Matrix, 2001
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