ssg profile picture


Another shout in the dark... hello...

About Me

I haven't been to deviantart for so long, it was pointless to have the link up...

ssg is just me.

Music from a non-musician.

Give a monkey a tool and he's gonna try to use it.

I'm a monkey playing with his tool.

Read the blog for track details...

My Interests


Member Since: 4/6/2006
Band Website: for now, this is as close as it comes...
Band Members: ssg plays the computer, a couple of notes on a harmonica, various percussion instruments, and whatever else he gets his grubby little hands on.
Influences: The sounds windshield wipers make in heavy rain, machinery, static, skipping records, William Burroughs, Stanley Kubrick, Tom Waits, David Lynch and Angelo Badalamente, Roger Zelazny, R. Crumb, horror movies, nightmares, laughter, tinnitus.
Sounds Like: Depends on the track...
Most commonly, I've been told things like coil and nurse with wound... but as each track is significantly different...
You tell me.
Record Label: rpgp, if any... heh
Type of Label: None

My Blog


I've posted this elsewhere before, but never here, where it would make more sense.If you were wondering what it is I'm saying, here are the words-Slipperished     I only wanted t...
Posted by ssg on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 12:39:00 PST


Thanks for stopping in to check out the noise. I hope there is something here you'll enjoy.A little background- I've never made much in the way of music, but it's always been an interest and something...
Posted by ssg on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 06:21:00 PST