bobzilla profile picture


i'm not your hero

About Me

i'm not sleazy, i'm not easy, but i can be rented by the hour........i've experienced a new kind of life that doesn't require stress over the small shit..i refuse to be drawn into the petty drama's... i am sometimes to blunt for my own good, as people seldom want the truth from the questions they ask.. i hate to speak of peoples short cummings, because i view that as one...i get too drunk and call my friends in the states and rant about T-moble.. i am a chilled out person who takes life as it comes and refuses to stress over what might happen... oh... and i live 3 and a half hours from amstradam..... nuff said...... if your just using me to get your friend count really high, then i say to you HI, HOW ARE YOU???? every one wants to be popular, more power to you......but, if you want me to leave a message on your page then you have to hit me first, cause i cant keep track of who i added.......i'm a huge supporter of the local music scene...cause....... if you dont support your scene, then you will have no where to go, and no one to blame but yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate racism!!! as long as your cool then i'm cool..... the pics say the rest...... oh yea SPAM will be DELETED and the users BLOCKED forever!!!! peace


my driving

my prefered alcoholic beverage

how my friends describes me

my love life

my views on life

My Interests

coffee shops in holland

german beer

solo sports


fast cars

faster women(with a car and job)

freaky shit

lower case letters

mispelled words


live heavy music

loud party's


being obnoxious

being sarcastic

learning more about life....

I'd like to meet:

met them all at one point or another, so why not just someone cool?


there is music for every mood, and i cant classify it any more than that.


lord of the rings, the sword of truth, the art of war, the prince, the wheel of time, louis la'mour, chekov, lermentov, and many many more.


any one with the balls to try somthing that they have allways feared before....

My Blog

i didn't know what to say

yesterday i met a 22 year old kid... this guy was real cool, but he was having problems adjusting to being back from iraq... he told me stories about being in the states after one of his tours and dri...
Posted by bobzilla on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:39:00 PST


SPURS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by bobzilla on Sat, 19 May 2007 02:03:00 PST

death comes in three's

the death of someone you know is terrible, i knew him, not that well, but i new him from work.. he was cool....liked to talk a lot and was real nice.... it was also real sudden... he was there before ...
Posted by bobzilla on Mon, 14 May 2007 01:21:00 PST

shit or get off the pot...

thats what i need to figure out how to do....  life throws curves sometimes... i need to get away from the hype and just be real...  peaceb ...
Posted by bobzilla on Sat, 12 May 2007 04:09:00 PST

i like the last

Sex Ed with Ron Jeremy Add to My Profile |   More Videos ...
Posted by bobzilla on Fri, 11 May 2007 06:11:00 PST

i'm back

i'm not sure if my telephone company was listening in when i called the states to rant about my internet being down again.... and the lousy customer service we have., but i ordered a new modem yesterd...
Posted by bobzilla on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:02:00 PST


i figured out why i like to get fucked up at the club... last night i was the d.d., so i was just chillin in the club and i was observing the natives dance... and any one that has been to a german roc...
Posted by bobzilla on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:42:00 PST

summer buzz

shaved my head today.... had to get rid of the lions mane... now i just got to make sure the retards don't confuse me with the nazi fucks over's to new beginnings...peaceb ...
Posted by bobzilla on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 03:37:00 PST


i need more mental tools..... i feel like a damn drug dealer at work... the "crack addicts" or gamblers as the politicaly correct term goes, make me feel dirty.... i hate to see these guys drop money ...
Posted by bobzilla on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:56:00 PST

holy shitballs batman

well it finaly happened... my shit got turned back on... it was my fault as i didn't pay the bill on time... i had it and the money, but i just kept passing by it everymorning and forgot to take it to...
Posted by bobzilla on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 02:45:00 PST