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'In every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations'

About Me
..The crab is able to walk or run sideways. Similarly, Cancer natives can sometimes "move about" in life in an indirect manner. The crab's body is covered by a carapace (shell). Cancer natives are self-protective and sensitive, and often retreat into themselves when hurt. Crabs are able to resist changes in the environment, thereby protecting themselves from hostile elements in various habitats. Similarly, Cancerians avoid too much change, and tend to be on the defensive. Crabs have "complex behavior patterns" (1). The inner world of Cancer natives is thought to be rather quirky and complex. Some crabs "conceal themselves by decorating their bodies with plants and animals" (2). Cancer natives tend to try to blend in with their environments, preferring not to make a big splash in life.Cancer's glyph, or symbol, may represent the breasts as a symbol of the nurturing qualities of the sign.
WATER RAT Chinese zodiac)Rat people are so charming and attractive they are always surrounded by friends and admirers. They can also be lone tumbleweeds, seldom making lasting friendships. Known as Perfectionists, have vivid imagination and are known for creating extraordinarily magic moments in time.
Rats have the gift of insight and clairvoyance, so you better watch out what you think around them!
I Am an Iced Coffee
At your best, you are: hyper, modern, and athletic. At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty. You drink coffee when: you're out with friends. Your caffeine addiction level: medium. What Kind of Coffee Are You?
You Are a Good Friend Because You're Honest
Like it or not, your friends are going to hear the truth from you.
You know that the truth hurts, but living a life of lies is much worse.
So while you're definitely kind and supportive, you don't pull any punches with your friends.
Everyone knows where they stand with you. And what you like and dislike about them.
While some may be initially turned off by your honesty, your friends have come to consider it a virtue.
After all, in world of white lies and deceptive politeness, you can be counted on for honesty and integrity.
Your friends need you most when: They need good advice or an intelligent opinion
You really can't be friends with: Needy, emotional people
Your friendship quote: "True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance." What Makes You a Good Friend?
My Gemstone is Orange Saphire
Courageous, optimistic, and successful. Your confidence helps you handle the ups and downs of life. What Gemstone Are You?
I am Midtown
You love so many things, you don't fit into any one label. Your city girl persona goes to a fancy restaurant one night and a dive bar the next. Are You Uptown or Downtown?
I Am Aphrodite!
A total shining star with a ton of admirers. And no wonder: you live life to the fullest! When things get bad, you can easily take off to a happier place. But occasionally, you need to deal with problems head on What Goddess Are You? ..
Which Disney Princess are you most like (Pics)

Jasmine You are an exotic beauty who enchants everyone you meet. You love going on wonderous adventures and have a special place in your mind for all wild animals.
Life is nothing without goals....

My Interests

Camping, bowling, stand-up comedy, watching boxing, shiny things, new experiences, giving psychic Tarot readings, exploring metaphysics.
Who knew Snoop Dog could sing in German?

I'd like to meet:

You, and everybody else who is trying to save Darfur.


Jazz, Country, Reggeaton, Rock, R&B, Hip-Hop. I love music from the 50s up till today. I like anything that has a danceable beat, too. ..


Crime, drama, comedy. "There are lots of days when I find myself wishing life were closer to a gorgeous movie from the '40s -- women wore fabulous hats and pearl chokers, and I don't think they actually went to the bathroom back then. They were too busy dancing with Fred Astaire and smoking unfiltered cigarettes to schlep to an office every day." - Lisa Kogan, "O, the Oprah Magazine"


Reality TV. Almost all of it.


Martin Luther King, Jr., survivors in Sudan, The Peery clan, anyone whose focus is making this world more harmonious and peaceful. Nelson Peery, Black Radical:

My Blog

Low sex drive ladies?

Wear heels.
Posted by Lisala on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:27:00 PST

On helping others

This is actually my horoscope for today, but I think it applies to everyone.If you feel like you're working really hard to help others, but no one seems to be appreciating your efforts, don't think th...
Posted by Lisala on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:26:00 PST

Beware of paypal,

These sheisters will take your money and run you around till you're so through you can't remember what your goal was initially. Shop in stores if you want your stuff and a smooth experience, I te...
Posted by Lisala on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:22:00 PST

Rat’s Rule!!!

It's the Year of the Rat if you pay attention to the Chinise zodiac. It actually starts a midnite....
Posted by Lisala on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 03:39:00 PST

This is not Roots

It's the story of a Prince, enslaved in West Africa, and brought to Ameria as a slave. His story was turned into a book, which was panned when it came out, then trumped by Alex Haley's famous novel ab...
Posted by Lisala on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 06:11:00 PST

Iraq/Afghanistan vets killing upon return to USA?

Crime rates rise as soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan come home to the US? I beleve it could be true. I'm usually not trusting of information from the news service Reuters, but they're the onl...
Posted by Lisala on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:59:00 PST


OK, so they want us to pay taxes, but they don't pay their phone bills!! I'm talking about the FBI, specifically, who just had their phones for wiretapping disconnected for non-payment....
Posted by Lisala on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:39:00 PST

On beauty, modeling and self concious women

Where exactly did the self-consciousness women seem to carry come from? Is it really from magazines and commercials? When I look at magazine ads or movies, it never occurs to me that I should look lik...
Posted by Lisala on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 12:55:00 PST

The Sun can Keep Shining in Cleveland

Now that the Cavs have re-signed Anderson Varejao, Wild Thing, 17, I'm excited. Read about it here....
Posted by Lisala on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 10:39:00 PST


Every good woman deserves an even better man who will do exactly that - regulate. I am one lucky frickin' woman.
Posted by Lisala on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:51:00 PST