making dumb movies, oh wait thats what i do, ok making good movies. That was before I died, now I mostly enjoy fuckin with the living.
no one, I`m dead
the smiths,doves,dwarves,american nightmare,happy mondays,arcadefire,neutral milk,olivia tremor,the verve,brmc,dag nasty,decendants,decemberist,beatles,stones,zombies,mahler,v ivaldi,belle,snow patrol,raidiohead,terror,the jigga,etc.The same plus dome funeral dirges.
fight club,seven,amiele,runlola run,rear window,clerks,touch of evil,texas chainsaw,manchurian candidate,rosemary`s baby,star wars,hotel new hampshire,the godfather,miller`s crossing,royal tenembaums,I`m gonna stop i could do this all day
X-play,Buffy(nerd),heroes,Black Donneleys(sp?)
pahlahniuk,salinger,sartre,camus,dostoyevsky,stienbeck,welsh ,irving,vonnegut,pynchon,bugulkov,carr(the first),kierkigard,hemmingway,again all day.Murakami,Murakami Murakami
see below,plus muhamed ali,pol pot,john leclair,keith primeau,crunkenstienamyone who has ever commited sebuku, oh yeah and also batman