I enjoy the arts, all types produced and One of my favorite talents is that which comes those gifted Musically:
Johnny Dee - Hands Down...the BEST Drummer!
Doro Pesch - The one and only Metal Queen. Need I say more.
Nick Douglas - Absolutely a amazing spirited bassist.
Joe Taylor - Simply superb. Extemely in tune as if one with the Guitar.
Oliver Palotai - Gifted with many abilities keyboard/and Guitars and abled to teach others.
These above mentioned are respected, talented and gifted musicians...Collectively they make: DORO - The Band. Luca Princiotta - Siete Impressionanti! Li amiamo anche.
The People. The talents given. Truly Majestic. Don't miss them when they are in your town.I also enjoy going to shows, watching parades, spotting geat architecture, having fun at a kick - *** roller derby match, plus writing (though I don't do it as often as before), baking and candy making - homeschooling and now some gardening. Above all I love everyone who has ever been in my life for you will always be a part of me in my heart and my journey, It is in my hopes to have shown kindness and always done right by everyone, Those who may feel otherwise as to me not, Then, I apologize because you are a blessing not to have been mistreated by something I may have done, or even did not do. I ask now for yours and God's forgiveness.
Enough said about me, because anyone who has had the opportunity to meet me can tell you I will not shut up (well stop writing that is) once I get started!
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Death Star Overdrive footage from the Grape Street PA. 3/15/07
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"Shattered Little Pieces" the CD released May 2007
Death Star Overdrive are a Philly based band with each member bringing his own music style from their individual inspirations/backgrounds and stylings, together their sound resembles a hint of STP but, unique for they are true to who they are as a band. As is evident with this, their first CD, titled "Shattered Little Pieces", I love the music on it,... and know you all will too! Here are a few of the track titles to give you an idea / Fear Before My Fall / Sky Blue Diving / Saving The Empty / and Grove (this one may be the bands first single)- okay, so now you may be asking who are these guys well here ya go...
DEATH STAR OVERDRIVE (currently as pictured)are:
Left to Right / Dan Lynman - Guitar / Johnny Dee - THE BEST of THE BEST on Drums / Rob Templeton - Vocals / Dan O'Neil - bass
This is a MUST SEE band, make sure to check them out:
Visit the bands myspace page (by clicking the above photo)or: http://www.myspace.com/deathstaroverdrive
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I would like to thank the Grape Steet for the Photo. Anyone who is in the PA. area should stop in a check out Grape Streets live entertainment @ The Grape Street - 4100 Main Street :: Philadelphia, PA :: (215) 483.7084
Philadephia's original music - at its best!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
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"Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment,
or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential
to turn a life around".
- Leo Buscaglia
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-I edited my profile at MsPremade.com . check out these Myspace Layouts!