Sports, music, writing, photography, Sea World, Disneyland, the beach, going to the park with my dog, reading, cooking, cleaning, spa services, and going on vacation with my honey.
People who are positive, and uplifting, and who can also laugh at themselves.(If you can help my career, even better!) I have some of the weirdest and most eclectic mix of friends, and I will be loyal to the grave for them.
I love almost anything, but to tell you everything just might take too much time. I just love almost all kinds of music
I have an unhealthy obsession with Kevin Smith Movies. I can practically quote Clerks, and Mallrats verbatim. I also love Mel Brooks movies, along with the Star Wars series, Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, the 'gross-out movie' and Shaun of the Dead, and Hot Fuzz.
24, Iron Chef America, The Simpsons, King of the Hill, Law and Order,Family Guy, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, and hockey and baseball games. I also have a love for stupid 'reality' shows like The Hills, Hell's Kitchen, Girls Next Door, and almost ANYTHING on Bravo!
If it is written, I will probably read it. I love Stephen King, James Patterson, and Dean Koontz, but I will read anything with a good plot.
My mother. In ten years, she has had: Heart, brain, gallbladder, and wrist, surgeries, along with several other health problems. She still has a sense of humor about life. That's someone to look up to.