We're not that different, you and I. You lie, presenting before yourself a fake portrayal of who you want to be. Therefore who I think you are really doesn't exist. I guess I do the same thing, by falling for someone who i think has the potential to be a good person, possibly, someday. Blinded by who the person truly is, I make up this fantastical possibility in my mind, seeing through all the negativity and bullshit, not realizing that that is exactly what compiles their very person. This person I percieve you to be doesn't exist either. I need to stop trying to change people. Otherwise I'll continue wandering through life creating webs of relationships with people exsisting only in my imagination.
Don't ever think someone can or will change for you. They can't. They won't. Change is something that happens within, just as in nature. And, like the ripple effect, things around the source are affected...