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Dendrite Retraction

I am here for Friends

About Me

I hear that spotted owl tastes like chicken. WOW... Everything really tastes like chicken or is it that chicken tastes like everything else? I hear chicken tastes a quite a bit like frog too. If frog is your staple it becomes the basis for your comparison. I think everything tastes like sponge cake, that is my staple along with wood shavings. I really wish I could sink my teeth into a marinated slab of coastal redwood bark, oh joy. My paper plate is looking very tasty.Mango Salsa Water Chestnuts .Rocky Road Sureform .Speaker Wire Scissor Handles .
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My Interests

mspmb src="" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="144" height="342" salign="t" type="application/Outdoors, materials fabricating, mechanics and imagineering, messing around with video and 3D modeling (thanks David I actually learned something from sitting in your smokey room senior year), painting ... maybe a few other things like drinking beer with friends.

I'd like to meet:

good people sexy sexy people like me Layout by: My Layouts Creator


Aloha, Cat Power, Hayden, Jason Molina, Will Oldham, Pavement, Rainer Maria, Primus, Pantera, OSO, Tortoise, The Sea and , Iron and Wine, Yo La Tengo, Sonic Youth, Karate, Archers of Loaf, Bob Dylan, Mark Kozelek and The Red House Painters, Wilco, Fishbone, Sebadoh, Alice in Chains, A Tribe Called Quest, J5, Modest Mouse, Matmos, Face to Face, Avail, Tommy Guerrero, The Tragically Hip, Doves, Led Zepplin, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, Neil Young, The Police, NIN, Ween, Beatles, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Chopin, Beck, Rage Against the Machine... and much more


yeah sometimes
Your results:
You are Apocalypse Apocalypse 76% Poison Ivy 71% Dr. Doom 70% The Joker 67% Mr. Freeze 67% Magneto 66% Dark Phoenix 59% Riddler 58% Venom 58% Lex Luthor 57% Catwoman 56% Juggernaut 53% Green Goblin 49% Mystique 49% Two-Face 49% Kingpin 40% You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...


HOCKEY, CYCLING, SOCCER, PBS, What ever Jennifer is watching because I have no control over the remote when she's home.


Everything is Illuminated, Speed and Kentucky Ham, Stupid White Men, The Elegant Universe, Things Fall Apart, Plastic, Kurt Vonnegut books, Thomas Pynchon writings, A sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There, A Coney Island for the Mind, Etc...


Me Mum, Agnes Martin, Flava Flav, Pete and Pete, Ren and Stimpy, Joe Simpson, Robert Zimmerman, Albert Einstein, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Pele, Sam Abrams, oh yeah and many others.