guns (esspecially the Russians) and other weapons, samurai flicks, rockabilly/Punk/Oi/Old Ska and Soul music. Fine Whiskey and beer.. old cars (especially FORD). astronomy, physics, cooking, music, vintage, politics, learning to hunt (cant wait to grill my first kill) and really good comics
I like finding old friends. New ones if they are not cowards or sheep. I cant stand sallyass ninnys who cry like bitches when offended.
I have to break it down into catagories. I like too much music: Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Old Oi and Punk (anyone else hate that term?), some newer Oi, Big Band, Old Country (think Patsy Cline, Hank Williams), East Coast Hard Core, Billie Holiday, Marvin Gaye, trad Irish, The Pogues, Flogging Molly, big Bad Bullocks and of course - the beloved Johnny Cash (June is all that too). Lil Bit and the Customatics, Rosemary Clooney, Ella Fitzgerald, Dean Martin, CockSparrer. The Business, Social Distortion, Agnostic Front, N.O.T.A., The Dwarves, Toy Dolls, FEAR, Anti-Heroes, The Bruisers, MadBall, Brian Parton and the Tennessee Rebels, Ramones, The Oppressed, Minor Threat, Misfits, Rev. Horton Heat, Murder City Devils, The Residuals, The Mavricks, Chris Isaak, Hi Fi and the Roadburners, The Cramps, Raul Mayo, Gypsy Kings, Dammed, Blitz, Phantom Chords, Cockney Rejects, 4Skins, Simple Minds, Tom Waits, John Lee Hooker, Patriot, Bobby *Blue* Bland, Andre' Boccelli...I could go on forever.
SAMURAI FILMS of any age. The Black Stallion. Anything with Audrey Hepburn Indiana Jones trilogy, Contact, Blade Runner and most other sci-fi. Boondock Saints. of course - Clockwork Orange...disturbing - but good, Neverending Story, Legend, and Breakfst Club are top rank. I really just love anything that is interesting and not some crappy "art-film" type junk, that kind that bores the snot out of you because it is so damm pretentious and *subtle*. silent films and the old horror films. The Poseidon Adventure. Towering Inferno! hahaha. No wonder my generation has a zillion phobias. The Warriors, Lost in Translation, Amedeus, My Imortal Beloved, hehehe - Attack of the Killer tomatoes, Piranah, and Night of the Lupi! nuff said..
I dont watch too much TV - just cut my cable off cause I am to cheap to pay for it . Tech TV, Mr. Bean, Upstairs DownStairs, The Young Ones, Black Adder, Hannity and Colms, 24, and shamefully - the OC....yes, a guilty pleasure.
I LOVE to read - my personal library consists of over 4000 books...scary eh? I just finished a book called *Flight - My life at mission control* by Chris Kraft. that book is AWESOME! Get it and read it. I could not put it down. I will read pretty much anything - allthough I really love a good fiction novel like Harry Potter series (I am obsessed really, gone mad)... . Authors that I really like are Ayn Rand, Stephen Lawhead, Tolkien, Milton Friedman, C.S.Lewis, you get the idea. It is a good mix of fiction and non-fiction.
My grandparents. They are the most wonderful people on the face of the earth. They embody everything that I strive to be. 3 words that come to mind are Honor, Kindness, Bravery. (my Grandpa sailed with the Coast Guard up and down the Atlantic for German subs and was point man for the several boats they boarded.. Oh - and he was the Captains personal cook! hahaha).My Grandpa Lincoln was also one hell of a guy! He was a bad mutha if ever there was one. He was a Marine fighter and test pilot and flew in the famed Checkered squadren. Not a man to be messed with!Grandpa Roth - crazy bastard he is - servered in the Army infantry! Took a knife to the leg with a bayonett and all it did was PISS HIM OFF! hahahah.Joey Ramone and Joe Strummer - gone WAY to soon. R.I.P.Good bye Johnny!Last but not least - my friend Pete . He is always working his way towards his dreams and I admire that. He also stands up for what he believes in even when he is alone. He has been a true friend and brother to me.