Guns... Glock 21, Glock 26, HK USP .45, Pride FC, UFC, Reading, B-ball, violin, kickboxing, grappling, football, golf, learning just about anything. Tea Station used to be the bomb, TenRen is taking over though.
People who are at least as cool as me. That probably narrows it down to less than 1% of the population, but there are just too many freaking people in this world so I can't waste my time.
Racking the slide and chambering a round. The distinct sound of a .45ACP going off.
Guns always make a movie more interesting.
Law and Order, The Unit, House, Bones, CSI, The History Channel. The news is useless... every story is one sided, opiniated, and far too socialist. For news, I turn to KFI640am and their website:
There are just too many and most of them have something to do with business. It's basically a given, but I also enjoy articles pertaining to guns. Philosophers such as Mill, Kant, and Hume interest me as well.
My parents, Bruce Lee, Bill Gates, John C. Maxwell, Steve Jobs, Emmitt Smith