About Me
NEVER explain anything you do...it speaks for itself...talking about it only muddles it.
NEVER explain anything you do...it speaks for itself...talking about it only muddles it.I have been known to;
Cause Trouble, Blow whistles, Realize the seriousness of everything and then tell myself its all unreal, Dial a prayer and argue with it, Howl, Stomp grapes in the bathtub,Turn "garbage" into ART(my passion)
Thumb it across the country , gargle, Strike a pose and say," I Vant To Be Alone!", Dance till I drop, Count my teeth with my tongue, Adopt strange mannerisms, Listen's to The Thang while while Hooping, Squish bread,make little dough men out of it and then eat them, Blow bubbles, Play with baby bears, Chase Myself, Out maneuver my own shadow, Set my watch back an hour and live it over, Appreciate Everything, Write graffiti under the rug, Stomp Around, Embarrass myself and then get over it, Check for loose change in the sofa, Put notes in random places for people to find that say things like,"your life is beautiful", Tell people they suck when they need to hear it,Paint funny faces on mirrors, Make a mess, Solve mysteries, Take baths with my clothes on, Impress myself, Get dirty, Smell my sneakers, Thump my stomach in my sleep, Erase all thoughts, Fight Vampires(night time only), Laugh in my sleep, Make romantic advances to a pillow, Contort my body, Calculate Pi to the last digit(just kidding-I suck at math), Fry breakfast cereal, Run around,Paint and Sculpt(sometimes naked),Procrastinate, Dig for buried treasure, Spin,
Be Elusive,Roller Skate,Love..