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Mme Bing

the ladness of slaughter

About Me

apples and cheddar cheese.

My Interests

soundless hook-and-pile fasteners, mixtapes, peanut butter-jelly sandwiches, naps, music, felt, jumping fences, riding bikes, making things, sewing, photography, beer, music, crispy golden pretzel pilllows stuffed with delicious peanut butter, lychees.

I'd like to meet:

a glass of unicorn milk and unique, intelligent, passionate people who fart with their friends.




wong kar-wai. takeshi kitano. woody allen. wes anderson. kim ki-duk.


gilmore girls. six feet under.


the really great book of nay cher


last week:

My Blog

Familienwurst für Deutschland

Die Deutschen essen gerne Fleischwurst. Rund 450.000 t gingen im Jahr 2005 über die Ladentheke. Gleichzeitig wächst der Wunsch nach kontrollierter und hoher Qualität. Endlich ist sie...
Posted by Mme Bing on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:42:00 PST


wild hands, buckling knees. laughed until i pissed myself, but that's not funny.
Posted by Mme Bing on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:32:00 PST

Facial Strengthening Exercises

These exercises will help the strength and range of motion for your jaws, cheeks, lips and tongue. People with trouble speaking clearly, swallowing problems, or muscle weakness of the mouth may benefi...
Posted by Mme Bing on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 05:45:00 PST