♥ Tinkerbell ♥ profile picture

♥ Tinkerbell ♥

I'll put the kettle on. Let's not speak, talk ruins every conversation.

About Me

    ♥Oh, lookie kiddoes... I updated it. No more Swedish firemen! ♥
    Please don't be rude- please message me before asking to be my friend!

I've been thinking 'bout Gabrielle Solis and all the desperate housewives. I've been thinking 'bout Mike Delfino and his gun. I've been drawing patterns in my mind, but I can't fall asleep. I've been counting all the sheep there is to count.
No, I can't fall asleep, that's why I'm here with you tonight. Can you lend me a DVD box or sing me a lullaby?
Hello Mrs. Van De Kamp did you clean the whole kitchen and drink all the wine? Hello Saferide, can you give me a safe ride back to sleep? Cause I wanna OD on DH. I wanna OD on DH. Let me overdose on DH with you.
I've been trying to kill the pain by watching make-believe people's fake disasters. And think if I'd been Elaine this misery'd been followed by studio laughter. I've been looking so hard for someone who could love me like Will loves Grace, but they say “It's not like on your flat screen TV”. It's gotta be like on my flat screen TV.
I've seen you around I can tell that you're just like me. You'd rather watch reruns than deal with the bad spin-off called life. I’ll put the kettle on. Let’s not speak, talk ruins every conversation. I’ve downloaded Dexter. Come, there’s room next to me.
Hello Mr Sipowicz, 'ginning to understand why you act like you do. Hello Pablo, I got this vision we can dance to. I need to OD on NYPD. I need to OD on NYPD. Let's overdose on NYPD when we're blue.
There's a lot of things you dont know about me, and lot that you do. I think that I'm pretty dull, but most people would probably describe me (depending on what they think of me) as merely slightly eccentric (if they like me) or truly fucked up (if they don't). I generally don't give a shit, unless I like you, and then I maybe care too much, as I like to give my friends the best of everything.
    Why Tinkerbell? It started off as a bit of an obsession when I was little, and... well...it stuck. I seem to remember it being something to do with jumping off kitchen rooves(anyone correct me on that?)In reality, though, I'm more like a Fairy Heffalump with a manic laugh (though Jess would tell you I'm an absolute Princess..)
    I like strange sweets with unpronounceable names that (apparently) taste like uric acid, salamiak flying saucers, marshmallow cars, lingonberry juice and tea! Tea is great- I couldn't live without that, yorkshire pudding and gravy...
    My favourite drinks in the world are Gammel Dansk and Choco milk- normally on their own, but as they mix together to make a fantastic tasting chocolate cough medicine, I really don't mind if you do when I'm ill. Alternatively, Mathilde and Vanilla Vodka make make my FAVOURITE drink in the world. Ever. Contrary to popular myth (spread by strange men with hair straightener obsessions) I really don't drink that much Absinthe any more(*ahem* Repeat after me: Absinthe is no longer my friend).
    If you want to be a character in my (as-yet-unwritten) novel, then I guess I should count people watching as a hobby. Drinking FAR too much Gammel Dansk, Kopparbergs and Tyrkisk Peber drink in Nordic has also occupied much of my time lately. Oh, and travelling around Scandinavia (and hopefully a lot more trips to Hamburg too) and, y'know, stuff... I'm not sure where I'm at when I'm at home, never mind when I'm not. Keep me away from all alcohol, starting...now! I need a phone with a beath-tester on it...
    Occasionally I might even write in my blog (if youre lucky), which, pretentiously, was once called a "...statement of intent by an out of control Barbie doll..." (errrrrr..?) Personally, I like to think that its more of a mess than that. More incidental. More chaotic. Just the way we like it...
    Jelly Beans, Jelly Babies and 69 Tragic Love Songs...
    If you're into Danish Music, you might also be interested in my(burgeoning)niche side-project that's threatening to turn into something of a behemouth(Hm...in my mind, at least, although the figures looks good- it's a good way to try out a few marketing ideas)...
    Pastries, Pepper and Canals...
    Pastries, Pepper and Canals... on Myspace
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My Interests

Ooooohhhh. I hate these things. Let's just say that if you need to ask, you don't know me..I gave up singing songs about elephants in Swedish and Danish, and am now trying to remember the words to a German poem about elephants and their tough hide, which started "Ich will ich war ein Elefant..." Anyone?Again, if you have to ask, you probably won't get what I mean... If you buy me a cake from La Glace in Copenhagen, though, I'll gladly tell you everything...

I'd like to meet:

    Preferably people who won't fuck me over; people are pretty open minded; people who are willing to argue with me; people who,like me, think far too much; people who make me laugh(a hard task!); people who can talk about everything from politics and football to religion and Scandinavian drinks; people who can rescue me from myself! People who don't mind being a character in my (as yet unwritten) novel, as they'll probably end up in it anyway.
    Musicians. Writers. Artists. Poets. People who care about all of the aforementioned. People who care about all of the little things that make life worthwhile. Cocktail lovers. Sparkly dancing queens who don't mind my three-shoe nights out. A little Schnarblar for my puss puss (not as rude as it sounds). People who sometimes feel like doing a "Patti", and don't mind if they do. People who want to say fuck it and drink Gammel Dansk and Tuborg, eat Snegle and debate the finer points of life whilst dancing all night with lots of shoes in their bags, because your "fuck me" shoes hurt, and you can't wear them all evening...
Apart from that, just...people who click, people who "get" what it's all about, and can see both the bigger picture and the minute details... That's no mean feat, but I'm pretty certain I've found me a boy who fits the criteria...if only he'd realise, then we could just get on with things...
    I don't want to meet any more Swedish firemen (ever)- in the words of the classic Troelle Boelle: "Not today! Not tomorrow! Some other day! Some other day!"


This week:

          There's a lot more, of course, but I can't be bothered to list it...


          Anything with Bogart or Hepburn, the Willo the Wisp film, Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Lola Rennt, Dancer in the Dark, Festen, The Last Supper, Sabrina (the original), The Idiots, The Wizard of Oz, Japanese Monster flicks... I don't really "do" movies all that often, as I seem to be either reading, writing or listening. Sometimes all three at once... I have the attention span of a five year old. What can I say, apart from that I like to hate things... I'm sure there are more, though... Just let me think about it, OK?


          Ah f*ck knows. I don't really watch that much telly any more...Oh shit. I dunno... erm... Jam, Jaaaaaaaaammmmmmm (the slow-mo version they put on at 3am), Brass Eye, trashy insomniac telly (especially channel 5 re-runs of Sons and Daughters, Prisoner Cell Block H and other such shite), Rathergood videos, Quincy (a hero for our times...fight all known injustice by looking at dead bodies), Diagnosis Murder (Of course! It was the corpse's brother's sister-in-law's cousin three times remove who did it by planting minute traces of arsenic...it was so obvious that I saw it at the start of the 50 minutes..didn't you?), State of Play (come back!), strangely I had a thing about the guy in Silent Witness for a while..not sure why, Monkey(hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaa! Great dubbing)The Magic Roundabout, Willo the Wisp, Clangers, Moomins...ermmm... anyone remember American Gothic? ... If anyone remembrs Saturday (or Friday night) Armistice, then I'll happily Kiss them right now...just what was Mr Tony Blair about?! I loved that show. I loved Time Trumpet too. In fact, I love anything Armando Iannucchi or Chris Morris do...


          Nothing in the world can beat O. Henry's "Five Leaves Left" as a short story. That story changed my world. If I can ever write even half as well as that, then...well...I'll die happy.Master and Margerita-great russian surrealism,High Fidelity -my life, though I'm female, younger, don't work in a record shop and...well...The Astrological diary of God...fucked up...Will Self... but I have a healthy interest in hating things- nothing is perfect...


          As Lush said: "...take no heroes, it's no good they don't stand up to life, just lock them in your soul and lose the key..."
          Make of that what you will.

          adopt your own virtual pet!

          My Blog

          Book Cover

          I've got a chip on my shoulderI've got a hole in my soulI've got a heart that is brokenand a story that's already been told Do I seem confident?Does my ego shine from inside?I'm worth less than dirtan...
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 08:01:00 PST


          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 04:47:00 PST

          It's a grotty kitty...

          Imagine the scene. It's a Monday lunchtime, and I'm sitting in a suitably grotty pub in Gravesend having lunch with my mother while she's moaning about my brother's ex girlfriend's demands with regard...
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 09:42:00 PST

          The boy's lost his mind

          OK, so New York, the Big Apple, smoky town, whatever you call it, I'm there... well, just outside (Long Island).... in the Hamptons. It's 10:45am, and my body's having problems adjusting to the time d...
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 07:48:00 PST


          If you ever see me with a drink in my hand (esp if it's Gammel Dansk) kill me.   I'm NEVER drinking EVER again
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 11:37:00 PST

          Statemet of intent...

          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Sun, 28 May 2006 04:42:00 PST

          oh deary me

          Ho hum The boy went home.  ...
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Wed, 24 May 2006 01:46:00 PST

          Ho hum.

          Annie, "Chewing Gum"Hey Annie, well, look at you!Is that a new boy stuck on your shoe?Come on Annie, how is it so?You've always got a new bubble to blow I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna get doneI'm j...
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Mon, 15 May 2006 02:16:00 PST

          Top 8

          Bored, bored, bored so I'm re-posting this which I cribbed from Mike...[PERSON ONE]: Faith1) How long have you known this person?4 1/2, 5 years? Feels like longer- we've been on holiday together a few...
          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Thu, 11 May 2006 03:37:00 PST

          Magic 8 ball...

          Posted by ♥ Tinkerbell ♥ on Sat, 06 May 2006 04:21:00 PST