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Davideo Kitson


About Me

The Letter

Job Hunting

Mtv Flux: Ten Tips for Green
Come Back For me
Welcome everybody,
I am currently studying Video media arts at UCCA maidstone
I must tangle my twisted thoughts into your pulsatingly trivial brain until my feverish fortitude frenetically fails and all becomes a pitiful blur of what is. Then what was turns and corrupts the easily led for the purposes of extracting every last breath from the unwanted. Email/msn messenger me at [email protected] or message me on myspace.
Why waste your time worrying about things that don't affect you. It creates such a negative reality to survive in. Instead of grabbing life by the throat and living it, you wait for a mediocre high supplied by the media to reassure your denial filled content. When this doesn't arrive you gag for more, their every move designed to consume you more. Until your sucked in completely, all that once was becomes blinkered and the truth hidden from view. They give you empty goals and fuel your desire to succeed with promises of a great future. You forget, they are only human, their life is as valid as yours. They have the same wants and needs, only they take it upon themselves to decide what our needs are. Then force it down our throats so we become blind to our own reality. Our own reality being the dreams you had as a kid, that secret language that noone else (as much as they think they do) understands, those little oddities that make you you, a quirky nature that if not careful can be ironed out. The thing we aren't taught at school, a diversion of the rules. I wasn't a rule breaker i was a rule maker. They are very different things, a breaker strives to go against convention for the sake of it, because he/she doesn't understand it so what better than to defy it. Especially if you have a whole group with the same idea. Which is why the breakers tend to be more common than the makers. They multiply and the easily led, are well... led. In a hope they will one day be the leaders (phat chance bruv). Then we have the makers, we understand the rules even follow them for a while. But when those rules, those boundaries that you live by betray you. You start to wonder, what kind of society is this where the old teach the new. Society grows and is forever changing. Ok so they grew up they learnt they discovered. But they got majorly distracted from the world. Which is why me and you exist today, they are out of touch trying to make us what they aren't. How much trust can we have in system, a failing one at that. So you make your own rules, rules which you live by, follow like a religion. These rules become your life, your life controlled by the rules. Thats not to say these rules don't change, these aren't set in tablets, these are rules of the mind. Rules that dictate your every move, your every choice and decision. With each choice comes a new rule, with each rule a new choice. Dark or Light, Left or Right, Work or Play, Health or Indulgence. The list is endless but by keeping these simple rules you start to make a habit of it,and before you know it becomes second nature. You do it without thinking, you have moulded yourself into your ideal. Your perfections make you perfect and you grow in this self structured reality, happily plodding along making films making music. Keeping yourself entertained. When you realise there is a whole generation of people equally as amazing floating in amongst the blanks. Its just a case of filtering them out connecting and building a brighter future. This is our world, we can make of it what we please, never let anyone take that away from you.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people that just know

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if only i had the time ..


time shifting ,angels and demons, che bolivian diary, fear and loathign in las vegas, journey to the centre of the earth


indiana jones, all the rest are killed by the villains

My Blog

Translucent Terrors

Sometimes your fears manifest themselves in ways which appear not fearful. Mainly so they can approach and become so close that when realisation kicks in it is alas to late to stop it. Ok so how can a...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 07:41:00 PST

Judging life by a dream.

I walk home from work about 12 and happen upon a load noise in the foreground. I glance upwards and find three middle age men bounding about and shouting whilst throwing around bins in the street. Sl...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:37:00 PST

alphabetic alliteration

alliteration always attracts annoyingly attentive astronauts because ball bearings blatantly behead basking crustaceans creating constant cream cake conundrum dilemmas directly distracting double d...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:48:00 PST

no sleep

ok so I wrote a poem for this, and being the butter fingers that I am pressed the wrong button and it got deleted. So I guess your stuck with my drunken fingers tap tapping away. Today I awoke from a ...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 11:31:00 PST

An Introduction To David Rawn.

Our story starts in a single bedroom apartment 120 Stonemade Towers Kent. Our unlikely hero is that of David Lionel Rawn. Liney to his friends, if he had any but they they were all lost in a frea...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:37:00 PST

Why do we strive for fear in films?

   WHY DO WE STRIVE FOR FEAR IN FILM?   D G H KITSON         Why Do We Strive for Fear In Film?   Everyday I wake up I hope for something new to discover, a lit...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:08:00 PST

what always catches up with you?

sleep. A rough weekend of not much, i finally get some and it takes up a day of dreaming. Almost becoming another world. I was in a different uni, different people, grown people from the past. My room...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 02:47:00 PST

Hanging Mirrors And A Balloon Suit

we get out our minds to lose all our inhibitions the inebriated brain never lies. I sit in my room with a story developing in a culmination of different ways. A balloon suit is forming on my wardrobe ...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:21:00 PST

The Coolest Shop In Town

So you stumble across a shop which is trying to make a living selling boards. The thing which caught my eye being the snake/streetboards. My first encounter of the snakeboard being when i was nine. Wi...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 08:17:00 PST

Project the projects

So we have another project and an essay to complete. Reflexivity and the psychoanalysis of a horror film.For starters I want to create a character, an indiana jones style adventurer/ explorer. Only ma...
Posted by Davideo Kitson on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:37:00 PST