I don’t wear my safety belt, and I don’t watch my ass when I’m by myself, and I sleep like a baby with candles burning, and I skip down dark alley lots, and I don’t look both ways before I cross the street, or my heart, or my fingers.
Here is my Amazon wishlist. Gaze upon it in wonder!
he's my lover from across the seas.
can i be your squeeze?
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"i do usually think that what you listen to is good by default"
I'm never going to Reading festival again unless the lineup is pantwettingly good. 2006 was superfun but by 2007 I realised I hate all of you who go there. You are all annoying bastards. However, the music was brilliface.
2008 I'm planning on going to Field Day and Electric Picnic, plus maybe Pukkelpop.
2009 I'm planning on going to Snowbombing and Bangface, plus whatever else takes my fancy.
donnie darko, battle royale, empire records, sin city, napoleon dynamite, anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy, amélie, a very long engagement, waynes world 1 & 2, the monty python movies, belleville rendez-vous, stand by me, scream trilogy, pleasantville, the usual suspects, the goonies, crash, star wars episode III, final destination, run lola run, city of god, little shop of horrors, fahrenheit 9/11, bowling for columbine, me without you, zoolander, shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, i heart huckabees, the breakfast club, back to the future trilogy, elephant, dancer in the dark, ichi the killer, brick, little miss sunshine, confetti...
spaced, black books, tom and jerry, home movies, garth merenghi's dark place, friends, the mighty boosh, scrubs, wonder showzen, brass eye, monty python's flying circus, comedy store, family guy, [adult swim], super robot monkey team hyper force go!, how i met your mother...p.s. HERTZFELD CARTOONS ARE AMAZING
'His Dark Materials' by Philip Pullman - YES!
'The Great Gatsby'; books about etymology, language, words...; books by A C Grayling; '1984'; 'The Color Purple'; 'Wicked'; 'One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich'...