Organised Chaos profile picture

Organised Chaos

The Music of Chaos Theory

About Me

My name is Phil Thompson. I am an electronic musician unlike most others. I do not compose my own music. Instead I write computer software that composes music itself, using the fractal formulae of Chaos Theory, the mathematics of Nature.
Every note of my music is derived directly from mathematics unless otherwise noted. Every pitch, every duration, all performance expression, all fractal. I do not regard myself as a musician, or a composer, but merely a arranger and producer working with Mother Nature herself. In fact I do not truly regard myself as a musician at all, the word I use is Musimatician - one who makes music from mathematics.
Recently a couple of people have asked me how my music can all be generated from mathematics if there are guitar solos in some pieces, and so on. Surely performing it means it's not fractal? The guitar solos are all synthesised. Every instrument I use is synthesised. There is no human performance on my tracks, other than occasional dance drum loops on tracks like Chimera.
This profile is really me - it isn't run by a record company minion. I am an independent artist - I've been offered major record deals in the past but turned them down because I didn't like the small print.
Some people get it, some don't. Either way, thank you for listening.
Phil x
P.S. If you are a religious evangelist, racist, sexist, prejudiced against the disabled and/or a homophobe, please move along. I am pro-equality for everyone. I am also anti-hunting and animal cruelty, anti-Monarchy, and in favour of secular meritocracy.

P.P.S. My Skype™ ID is moontoad
Get Skype and call me for free.

Hit me up if you'd like to message / chat / video chat some time.

Note: I approve all friend requests, how could I not? but I will delete and block all scammers posting "ringtone" type spam in comments.
Legal Downloads
You can buy legal downloads of my music in high quality MP3 format at...
...but have patience with me as I have not currently uploaded all of my back catalogue. More tracks will appear daily. I also intend to use this service to release material that has never been released before in exclusively Download-only format.
Music on CD
Or alternatively, the best of my back catalogue of music may be purchased on two CDs by clicking on the album covers below...
Organised Chaos: The Music of Chaos Theory
Originally released 1998, digitally remastered 2005.
Wind & Wire Magazine Review
BEST ALBUM OF 1998 - I'll be honest I love this album. It is played daily and yet I can't quite put in to words just how it effects me. From the first bell sounds, the first expansive chords, the first melody, I have been pulled in to an incredible world of beauty and drama. Like a fractal image, the deeper you go the more is revealed. The music evolves yet the initial elements remain. Instead of melodies there are phrases that criss-cross each other - binding, breaking, merging, creating. Subtle changes mean that just as you click on a musical line it metamorphoses to something different, even the shifting timbre of a sound or duration of a note becomes important. Composed completely on synthesisers this could have been just another good electronic music album. But Phil broadens the spectrum by also using very realistic acoustic guitar, harp, percussion and choral sounds, bringing them in to great effect with the fractal producing the feel and expression of the playing. Many of the tracks, like Shadows Fall and Strange Attractors have a calming effect. Mesmerising, not because they are pretty or sugar sweet but because they feel familiar yet always new. They also affect you physically. Listening with my eyes closed I can get a distinct feeling of floating and slowly spinning that, first time round, is quite unnerving. But there is also drama and passion here. In the mammoth A Season in Hell great armies trample the landscape. Dark jungles of menace close in. Giants shadows hide the sun. Tympani and orchestral stabs joined by whistles and cymbals fight it out. Glockenspiel and harp call out in argument. Battle lines are drawn. The calm before the fight. The clashing of steel and bodies in hand to hand combat. The bleak aftermath of a bloodied field. Highly charged listening which can wear this listener out! Fractal based music has a certain notoriety for being high brow; nothing more than un-listenable academic exercises. Not this time. Phil has realised something quite extraordinary - an accessible, magical mix of music and mathematics.

Neil Leacy, Wind & Wire Magazine, March 1999.
Reproduced with Permission.

Organised Chaos: The Ones That Got Away
Originally released 1999, digitally remastered 2005.
New Album: Green Cathedral, TBC 2008
I am currently working on Green Cathedral, an entirely new album of Fractal Electronica, to be released on Hallowe'en 2008, the tenth anniversary of my debut album Organised Chaos.
I am also re-recording the best of my back catalogue in 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound format for release later this year as a CD-ROM only album.
Gingerbread: The Mandelbrot Music Generator
Most of my fractal music is written with Gingerbread, a PC system I wrote and originally released as shareware in 1998. It is now freeware and if you would like to download it, click on the screenshot above.
About My Top Friends
Friends? These are not friends.
These are the GODS of Cyberspace.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/4/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Phil Thompson - "Musimatician", 40. Loves:

    Anything Sci-Fi, Horror & Fantasy. If it's got monsters, robots or dragons in it, I'll love it. Video game addict, particularly Sci-Fi shooters (BIOSHOCK, Deus Ex, TRON 2.0), immersive RPG (Oblivion, Morrowind, Thief: Deadly Shadows), A-grade plaformers (Ratchet & Clank, Psychonauts, Pitfall: The Lost Expedition) with a touch of Arcade (Ghosts & Goblins, Sonic the Hedgehog, Bubble Bobble). Gadgets & toys. If it lights up and/or goes "bleep" I'll be first in the queue. I've a museum standard collection of Tim Burton / Nightmare Before Christmas memorabilia, collect toy robots of all descriptions, and currently I'm wasting far too much money on building a gallery of signed 10x8's by Sci-Fi stars. I should grow up, I know. Spend far too much time on the Net, but most TV is crap. Apart from Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Firefly, Babylon 5, Carnivale, Six Feet Under and so on, thank God for DVDs. Tim Burton, Clive Barker, Vincent Price, Eddie Izzard, Laurie Anderson, Ruth Gordon, Virginia Hey and Alice Krige are my kind of people.

Influences: Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Decency. Intelligence. Love. Monogamy. Equality. Self-Awareness. Self-Assurance. Self Respect. Compassion. Understanding. Generosity. Charm. Humour. Creativity. Nonsense. Sarcasm. Canteen of Cutlery. Moulinex Food Processor. Cuddly Toy. Good game, good game, didn't he do well?

"Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith; we need believing people." - Adolf Hitler
" My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. " - Albert Einstein

Sounds Like: Bleep bleep bloop bleep bleep wibble bleep bleep. And that's just the lyrics...
Record Label: Moontoad Studios
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


It's been ages since I've done one of these& thanks to Midge.&>How many keys are on your keychain?3>If you were given a canvas and watercolors, what would you paint?I already have a canvas and oils an...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 09:48:00 PST

Unfortunate Namesake

According to a News report on TV today a British man named Phil Thompson has been arrested for having 250,000 child pornography photographs on his PC. Addendum: actually it gets worse, he was a web-de...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 06:43:00 PST

Spring Clean

Just to say I'm in the middle of a massive late "Spring Clean" here. Involving a huge amount of tidying and cleaning across three rooms.I'm just about to dismantle my PC and desk for re-arranging, so ...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 08:22:00 PST

Oh the irony...

Am I the only one who finds it highly amusing when people on Internet Forums tell other people on Internet Forums that they should "Get a life"?
Posted by Organised Chaos on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 03:11:00 PST

Valhalla Knightmares

Some of you may remember that many moons ago I wrote a blog entitled "How to make a crap video game". Recently I discovered a game that seems to have followed my (sarcastic) advice to the letter. And ...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 05:41:00 PST

Quotation: Depression.

I've stolen this one from Karen (STEVER)'s blog. It's utterly true.If you suffer from depression, anything that makes you 'feel' has to be the most important thing in your life, because it's the only ...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 07:51:00 PST

Fallout 3

...well that just killed my chances of finishing my album by Hallowe'en then.I love this 50s retro sci-fi thing that's currently seems to be in vogue since BioShock. Very Philip K. Dick Dr....
Posted by Organised Chaos on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 03:40:00 PST

Stalker! Run away! Run away!

According to a cyber-chum I was accused of stalking someone this morning.This would be someone I deleted and blocked on MSN and MySpace over a week ago because I caught them feeding me a pack of emoti...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 05:35:00 PST


I'm depressed, very depressed this morning.Why?SUNSHINE.I hate it. I really hate it.As a kid I was allergic to Ultraviolet. More than 30 minutes in direct sunlight would bring me out in a Rubella styl...
Posted by Organised Chaos on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 02:03:00 PST

Some of us have long memories...

Posted by Organised Chaos on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 08:36:00 PST