♥[goOd goOd]♥ profile picture

♥[goOd goOd]♥

....♥3v3ry wh3r3 i gO, bitch3z wana fyt3, but d3y jus mad kuz d3y aint On my hyp3!!♥..

About Me

.....w3ll letz s33....furst uv all, if yoOhz a punk azz hat3r, tryin ta s33 why im On yO mannz pag3, git da fuk out nOw!!....but n3 wayz....i lyk3 tO kik bak wit da hOmmi3z n jus avOid all drama!!....lol....n i lyk3 pO3try, wOn uv my favOrit3 pO3tz iz mOs d3f....h3z h3lla d3c3nt!!....lol...naw, but my favOrit3 cOlOr iz r3d....i lyk3 tO swim n shyt lyk3 dat....i n3v3r hav3 da sam3 hair cOlOr fOr mOor d3n toOh mOnthz....i lOv3 hangin out wit my favOtrit3 kuzOz in da wOrld!!(nicOl3 [noOh noOh] n saundra [ly ly])....i lOv3 3m tO d3ath n if yoOh fukin wit d3m, d3n yoOh pr3tty much fukin wit m33h toO!!(litt3rally)....lol....(but fOr r33lz)....umm l3tz s33, i dOnt r33ly hav3 b3st fri3ndz n shyt lyk3 dat, kuz d3n it jus kOmplikat3z 3v3rything n kr33at3z da whOl3 "3quality prObl3m"....lol.... n thingz i hat3 izz stal3 c3r3al, watching tv win nuttinz on, mayO, cl33ning, dOing my hair, p.3., mmm?....Or 3v3n jus skoOl in g3n3ral!!....lol....(i gy3ss itz koOl fOr "sOcial purpOs3s"), p3Opl3 dat talk shyt, n i hat3 a lOt uv uth3r stuff but itz way toO much tO typ3.... oh, n im singl3 sO all yoOh kyoOti3z HOLLA!!....but i dOnt lyk3 da j3alOus typ3, sO if datz yoOh, d3n k33p st3ppin!!....but if yoOh lyk3 tO jus chill n dO uth3r stuff, d3n y3ah, datz koOl toO, n if yoOh wana nO3 n3 thing 3ls3, jus hit ya gyrl up wit a m3ssag3....k-k?.... but my fing3rz ar3 tyr3d uv typin sO ♥ [goOd goOd] n duc3 niggah!!....

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....?hit ya gyrl up wit a kOmm3nt!!?....

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....h3lp suppOrt m33h nigg n clik on da thingi3 abOv3 tO v3iw hiz pag3 n d3n add him if yoOh lyk3 wut ya s33!!....lol...oh, n tO all yoOh ladi3z out d3r3 loOkin fOr a sw33th3art, H3Z IT!!...lol...