I'd like to meet:
u,u N u...kaHit cnoH!!!!!,,, ReaL tRuE friEnDs..... EI 2 oL oF mY frieNds i jUst wAnt tO sAy oUr frieNdsHip iS a priCeLeSs giFt, thAt cAn't bE boUght oR soLd, bUt iTs vaLue iS fAr grEateR thAn a moUntAin maDe oF goLd. foR goLd iS coLd aNd liFeLeSs, iT caNnOt sEe oR heAr, aNd iN yoUr tiMeS oF trOubLe, iT iS poWerLeSs tO chEer. IT hAs nO eaRs tO lisTen, nO heArt tO unDeRstAnd. iT caNnoT bRing yOu coMfoRt oR rEacH oUt a heLpiNg hAnd dba? ! . sO I aSk GOD fOr a giFt aNd i'M thAnkful thAt hE seNds, nOt diaMonds, peArLs, oR ricHes, bUt tHe loVe oF a rEaL, tRue friEndS. I loVe you all. if u need me d2 lng me 2 help u anytime :P utc......
aLterNatiVe pop - RocK ..., RnB..., n' acoustic ..., pop..."esp.kpop n jpop"..., Yellowcard, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Switchfoot, Sum 41, Story of the Year, The Calling, Third Eye Blind, LP, Goo Goo Dolls,Coldplay,3Doors Down, Jojo, john legend, cassie, nelly furtado, pcd, tamia, jennifer love hewitt, mojofly, j0in the club, oPm bands... more n more ..m/
Nelly Furtado - All Good Things
butterfly effect 1 "change one thing change everyting", harry potter..., bigfish..., if only.., my sassy girl & windsturck..., death note.., hehehe dami halos lahat na ata
Mtv shows..., eXtreme mAke oVer the hoMe ediTion..., (studio23) breAkfast..., myx..., sMallville.., gh0st WhiSpEreR.., h0twire.., sLipStReAm..., st0pLiGht tV.., doCuMeTaRy sHoWs..., reality show..., kaHit ano!
God...my family...my friends