Win-Win profile picture


DriFt Me awaY as If Im YoURS..

About Me

COLORIFIC! ;P MyGen Profile Generator..EMO..

My Interests

PoETrY iS mY lIfE,,,.. iTS mY sOlacE iN My oBlIVIOn...

I'd like to meet:

lET'S FlY AWAy froM this sOrroWs.. away FrOm Our deeP burden that Once Lived In Our HeaRts.... My lOvE,, i wish this Is foreVer...


pUnk'd, osbournes, smallville, charmed, spongebob, wild thornberrys, wazzup wazzup, newlyweds, pimp my ride, , wildboyz BlAh,, Blah etc... ihihihi..


da vinci code,,,,,,,,,breaking da davinci code

My Blog

HeRe's a poem..Read this...

hEre's one of my PoemS... dAnce of Life Dance with meOh please! dance with meMy fortress falling apartMy weaknesses burned me wih your silent heartRoses hang within my fantasyDreaming that it would be...
Posted by Win-Win on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST