I'd like to meet:
Yeshua ha Meshiach (aka Jesus Christ) In the midst of His people, in awe of his presence, overwhelmed by His love, in a heart position of worship, a mind ready for transformation, with an eye for destiny eternal. My wife and her family in the Spirit, before the great and mighty judge of the living and the dead and all 7 billion people I am suppose to touch with the revelation of the Kingdom of God and Christ righteousness.
CEO of Life Music, LLC, . We live in a universe. Uni=One Verse=Song. Our world was spoken into existence as "One Song!" I hope to repair the world through praise, worship and love songs.
Passion of the Christ, Hero, An Inconvenient Truth, hmmmmm
Run's House so funny! Animal Planet, Dog Whisperer: Ceaser Millan, National Geographic, Anything political and news worthy....And of course: My TV stays on all preaching and teaching programming! The Kingdom Network to come....yeahhh
Bible. "When Weaker Vessels Carry a Stronger Anointing" by Prophet Bruce. "Kingdom Seekers" by Prophet Bruce. Also my daughter Ginger, has five books about to be published.
Yeshua ha Messhiach (aka The Lord Jesus Christ)YHVH (dba GOD) THe Holy Spirit (Hebrew: Ruach ha Kadesh)