I drink protein shakes. I shave rarely. I've heard it all before.One of these days I gotta get myself organizized
Myspace Editor
Pimp MySpace
intensity, food, relics
bundles of sunshine and piles of pain. those who enjoy exploring their hidden demons through film. left-handed left-hemisphere thinkers. tarts.
blacula soundtrack, cathy dennis, electronic, project pat, almost blue sunshine, d.i. fm house channel
IMMORAL TALES, tsukamoto, haneke, polanski, hi mom!, taxi driver, videodrome, american psycho, happiness, master of the flying guillotine
news, exposes, scandals, caught on camera, fighting, cable softcore, dickhouse productions, ren and stimpy, doctor who
for the relief of unbearable urges
henry rollins, "ravishing" rick rude, larry levan, eugene o'neill, al rosen, al goldstein, robert crumb, jesus franco, howie levman, jacob horwood, jordan dubins (mostly jordan dubins)