la music,le cinéma,le théâtre,l'éclairage scènique,la psychologie,la philosophie,la kinesthésie,la paralinguistique,la sexologie et l'analyse sociologique. the music, the cinema, the theatre,spot light,psychology, philosophy, kinesthesis,paralinguistique, sexology and sociological analysis.
Des humains !!! Human!!!
Slayer, Pantera, Deicide, Skinless, CanibalCorpse, Cryptopsy, Venom, Cradle of filth, Dissection, DimmuBorgir, Aborded, Impaled Nazareth, King Diamon, Napalm Death, Septh, Bolthrower, Anatha, Despised Icon, Unexpect, Augury, Demonarch, Neuraxis, UrbanAliens, Immolation, Enslaved, Mayhem, Graveworm, windir, HecateEnthroned, Immortal, Ministery, Fear Factory, Saltatlo Mortis, Angizia, AfterForever, Tristania, Apocalyptica, Type-o-Negative, Gwar, Therion, Voivod, Barf, Carcass, Exploited, Berurier Noir, Crass, Tagada Jones, Gos Nibares, ...too much....
Lord of the Rings (trilogy), Star Wars (older),The Exorcist,Conan the Barbarian,A clockwork orange,Full Metal Jacket,Labirynthe,city of god,fight club,Chainsaw massacre (older),Friday the 13th,The silence of lambs,1000 corps,Shaun of the dead,Aliens(trilogy),The Shining, Band of Brothers,Saving private Ryan,Schlinder list,GOOD BYE LENIN!,BraveHeart,Taxi Driver,Gladiator,La shute,l'auberge espagnole,Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulin,La vie est Belle,Ace Ventura (both),Taxi,l'Audition,Chat blanc chat noir,Les boys le premier,slap shot,La rage de l'ange,crazy,300,Transformer
Metalocalypse,Family Guy
Les Manipulateur sont parmis nous, La prophetie des Andes, Cathalina, lenfant qui ne pleurais pas,Les renoncements necessaires,tous les piece de Ionesco,La formation de lacteur,Lestat le Vampire, La reine des Damnees,H.P.Lovecraft,
Mes vieux, y ont mangé ça chaud! haha!!! My older, I gave them hard time!! haha!! AND FOR SUR: DIMEBAG DARRELL R.I.P