I'm 25 years old.. i like to do alot of stuff.. but i change my mind alot and sometimes that means i might go off and do something else when i had something else planned. happens all the time. fickle i guess. i play video games.. World of Warcraft.. Arathor server, Paganshaman is the character name.. but i'm not pagan.. so don't bother asking. I play guitar.. been doing that for along time. i think i'm not that good.. but other people say i should be in a band.. i used to be in one.. Below Sixth.. i played the bass.. lol. but it was cool.. i liked it. the guy's i played with are cool as shit, and i had a lot of fun jamming with them. And I'm the worst person at myspace.. comment or message at your own risk.. I may not respond for some time if at all.. my attention span isn't what it was.. huh?
My Interests
my family and friends.. as well anyone who has gone to war for our country, policemen(the non-corrupt), firemen, EMTs, doctors and nurses, school nurses, teachers, and the lunch ladies.
My Blog
i wrecked my car..
so i'm driving to band practice today from work. i had a wonderful day up until this point. made some sales calls today on my southern maryland route.. got shot down a few times... flat out told they ... Posted by Pickle on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 07:22:00 PST