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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
The Malicious Trade Federation had taken over the planet Naboo Under the orders of the Senator...nah just kidding.
It started with Dan, Andy and (our good buddy) Adam forming a little band called lethal Injection, who's name was soon changed to BSWO (Busted Suck Wrighty('s) Off/Ovaries). Soon Neal came along....
Ah Neal...Intelligent...handsome...brave etc. etc. (guess who wrote this) (that's right, it was Rufus :-P)
Anyways Neal came and the band soon took another room to play computer games all day (checkout Manhunt and Mortal Kombat: Deception, They're great!!). We got a few songs done of course. But only a few. We sucked and everyone hated us. Little has changed.
Sam popped along, a quiet little jazz dude in the year below, joined our three handsome iconoclasts, making us four handsome iconoclasts. The band was closer to greatness.
But heartbreak soon took over as Andy, leaving his girlfriend Dan behind, ran off with Neal to Germany, where they proposed to Rufus to become our guy who hits shit with sticks. Four became Five.
After mowing through several fairly dubious names we became the Sons of the Soho Genaration (thanks Jack) and hence began our perilous journey to cast the one ring of shit music into the great Mt. Doom of Rock 'n' Roll...
Siân is our current resident bassist...
Later Sweethearts xxxxxxx
*MySpace edited by Hazzy*