mUsiC, artS, diFFerENt cultUres, literAturE, aRchIteCture, iNterNet, waTersKiIng, sKiing, laUghIng, lyIng iN mY baTh, faMiliY & FrienDs and not to foRget KATER SEPPI......
fuNNy, inTerESting PeoPLe....fRom aLL oVer The woRld...
hOuse, hOuse, hOuse....pRefer Djs liKe the KNEE DeEp Brothers, rogEr Sanchez, Dj PipPi, JamIE LewIs, DImitrI frOm PaRIs, MiGueL MigS, gRant NeLSon...buT I alsO loVe aCiD JAzz....tHe BRanD NEw HeaVIeS, IncogNIto, JamIRoquAi...noT tO FOrgEt tHe GOOd oLd 80-iES, LeveL 42, dEpEChE MoDe etC....and LAsT buT no LEaSt mY faVoriTe "GermAn-SinGing" BanD, DIe FAntasTischeN Vier......
a LiFe leSS orDinary......
maLCOm in THe MIDdLe, scRubs, Ali G., pRojEkt X, HarAld SchmidT, rEnt A PocheR, fRieNds.......
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