frau sommer profile picture

frau sommer

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

teAchEr, DJ-anE, aRtisT...a CreaTiVe MiXTure......

My Interests

mUsiC, artS, diFFerENt cultUres, literAturE, aRchIteCture, iNterNet, waTersKiIng, sKiing, laUghIng, lyIng iN mY baTh, faMiliY & FrienDs and not to foRget KATER SEPPI......

I'd like to meet:

fuNNy, inTerESting PeoPLe....fRom aLL oVer The woRld...


hOuse, hOuse, hOuse....pRefer Djs liKe the KNEE DeEp Brothers, rogEr Sanchez, Dj PipPi, JamIE LewIs, DImitrI frOm PaRIs, MiGueL MigS, gRant NeLSon...buT I alsO loVe aCiD JAzz....tHe BRanD NEw HeaVIeS, IncogNIto, JamIRoquAi...noT tO FOrgEt tHe GOOd oLd 80-iES, LeveL 42, dEpEChE MoDe etC....and LAsT buT no LEaSt mY faVoriTe "GermAn-SinGing" BanD, DIe FAntasTischeN Vier......


a LiFe leSS orDinary......


maLCOm in THe MIDdLe, scRubs, Ali G., pRojEkt X, HarAld SchmidT, rEnt A PocheR, fRieNds.......


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