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It is a pleasure for you to meet me.

About Me

I am a 27yr artist/graphic designer living in New Harmony, IN. I am in a wheelchair and have a muscle disease called SMA a form of Muscular Dystrophy(Jerry Lewis). Ask me anything I'm open and will answer whatever. My wheelchair goes really fast, I've done atleast 16mph downhill before drunk and with a chic on the back of my chair. I am really into HOT RODS & CUSTOMS, and building one with the help of friends and family. It is a 1955 second series Carryall Suburban, which will be a handicapped accesible cruiser. I also have a 1957 Belair, which is badass too. My other passions are in acting and singing. Been in a few shows in my time you should ask me sometime! I have been told that I am a nice and intresting guy. I am into lots of stuff as you will find out!!

My Interests

Hot Rods, Art, Music, Acting, and Gaming on computer or sports games on XBOX.

I'd like to meet:

As far as in general, I'd like to meet people into the arts. A person who can sit and talk about what kind of motor they are running in their car. I am really intrested in anything you could throw at me. Hey thats just me!!Lets get serious now, I'd like to meet ladies that are cultured and know what that want. Someone who I can trust and tell anything to. Openmindedness really is a must if a girl wants to get with me. Confidence is good, but not a girl who is vain. No jealous ones etheir, been there don't like that 4 sure. She must have love for her family and herself. Well a good kisser is always nice too. Something about a girl who uses power tools and works on cars is damn sexy to me FOR real!!!!!!!!


I love classic rock: Sknyard, STYX, REO, BAD COMPANY, STEPENWOLF, Led Zeppelin, FOREINGER, Doobie Brothers, Aerosmith, Queen, The Who the list goes on! I like real Hip Hop or anything oldskool: Grandmaster Flash, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Snoop!!!! I am also into 50's 60's rock, Rockabilly, Swing, and even Lounge music. I honestly will listen to anything from classical to bluegrass.


American Grafetti, STARWARS, so many more I got tons of DVD's. My friends call me BLOCKBUSTER.


Family Guy, ADULT SWIM, The Sheild, SNL, Comedy Central




My family and friends. Well Han Solo too.