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Calm Chaos

About Me

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-== BIO ==-
Built on life long friendship, nurished by brotherhood, put to life through a merge of genres and evolved from a common dream of huge arenas of screaming fans - This is Calm Chaos
The bands first demo soon turned into an E.P. (BB records, Sweden) that hardly no one noticed in Sweden but which got good rotation in the U.S, was licensed by MTV made, and earned surprising sales in Japan. A year later CC released their debut album "Melody Of Mokus". The CD was licensed by companies across the world and was followed by a number of shows.
Early 2006 Clawfinger invited the band as supporting act for their tour of Europe. Two bands, two generations and two worlds collided which resulted in friendship, mentorship and total success as club after club filled up on their way through central Europe. Shortly after the first leg, lead singer Patric suddenly leaves the band for personal reasons and Calm Chaos suffer the loss of a brother.. But the show must go on...
After spending nearly a year writing material for the next album, Calm Chaos recruits one of the most promising singers in Sweden as Joakim Åström joins up, just in time to start recording the upcoming album. Joakim sets the tone for a new era with his alternative-metal orientation and the Calm Chaos saga continues..

My Interests


Member Since: 4/3/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Record Label: BB Records/RB Records/Magnum Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Studio diary - part 8 (lead vocals day 1)

The first thing we had to do today was to pick the right mic for this album. This is what we had: a ADK vienna edition, a Shure (something) and the old mighty Neumann U47. We plugged them all in and r...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 7 (guitars)

Now all basses are there and Toby has started the guitar recording. He has really done a great job today and will most likely finish all songs by tonight. Toby is mainly using a Ibanez Prestige 7-stri...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 6 (2nd bass)

Yep, Foaf entered the studio today to get some low-b shit on tape!! We had two days off to relax and zip some beer but we´re happy to get on track again. He will most likely finish all the songs tonig...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 5 (bass)

Hi all! After a couple of days off we started recording bass today. We experimented around our ideas for bass sounds first to get the feel of what would work and not considering we've got 2 bass playe...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 4

Now all the drums are recorded! We had some time over so we decided to record the drums for "Restored Destruction" since alot of you seems to like it. Maybe it will be some kind of myspace free releas...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 3

Nizze keeps on bangin' skins and we keep on adding tracks to what will be a breathtaking follow-up to our first album. As we're writing this Nizze's playing a new song with a totally sick speed part t...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 2

Still recording drums, at least for one more week. Nizze had a pretty hard time was time to record the most complicated tracks on the album. But hey, everything went well :) ...but no help f...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Studio diary - part 1

Today Kjell Nästén (sahara hotnights, wannadies and loads of other great bands) finished the drum tuning and knob-turning on the console so we could start recording for real!! Nizze is a hard hitting ...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

Album recording....and some new photos.

The recording of the upcomming album starts today! We will record 15-20 tracks so we´ll have a couple of songs to pick from. Updates from the studio will be posted here on myspace, so keep your eyes o...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST

New songs uploaded - Pre-production

We have uploaded two new songs from the pre-production of the upcoming album. The album will be released before summer 2007. BTW, the songs are recorded with our new singer Joakim eating the micr...
Posted by Calm Chaos on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:39:00 PST