Guitar, Computers, Video Games, Writing
Kevin Spacey, Quentin Tarantino
Fountains of Wayne, Postal Service, Aerosmith, Fastball, Bulletproof Messenger
12 Angry Men, Swimming With Sharks, Full Metal Jacket, Clockwork Orange, City Of God, Heat, Shaun of the Dead, Lord of the Rings, Donnie Darko, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Merlin, Moulin Rouge, Army of Darkness, 28 Days Later, Pulp Fiction, Scarface, Duel, Big Fish, Inherit The Wind, Fatherland, Braveheart, Lean On Me, Glengary Glen Ross, Shaolin Soccer, Office Space, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Identity, Cooler, Dazed And Confused, Hotel Rwanda, Dark City, Lords of Dogtown, Usual Suspects, Willow, Eurotrip, Rocky, Clue, Goonies, Hair, Barry Lyndon, Memento
Heroes, Lost, Psych, Scrubs, Smallville, Monk, Dead Zone, The 4400