Watching you turn the kaleidoscope of horror with beauty and indifference.
less people, more humans & surviving Members of the:
Sometimes a picture says a thousand plus albums and that your Ipod is in fact rubbish.
Rio Bravo, True Grit and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and in that particular order.
X-ray and Gamma Vision.
Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gayety and life to everything else. It is the essence of order and leads to all that is good, just and beautiful - of which it is the invisible but nevertheless dazzling, passionate, and external form.-Plato
Jacques Vergès, foreground with face bleeding, being restrained by his Congolese friends during a 1960’s protest in front of the Belgian embassy in ParisAlso, Jools Holland for providing a headstone for the grave of blues legend Jimmy Yancey in Chicago. God damn that man is a Saint...Finally, there is Tippi Hendren's for her trip to Camp Hope, a Vietnamese refugee camp outside Sacramento in the mid-1970s, and her efforts at training women to become manicurists. The trade was well-suited for the immigrants; it requires very little money and English-speaking skills to start, and their willingness to work long days, every day, has led Vietnamese immigrants to make up 80 percent of the manicurists in California which then spread nationwide. Now that is fucking cool.