Je ne suis pas chanteuse d'Headline, je ne suis pas non plus bassiste,je ne vends pas d'herbe à rire, ni de sonneries de telephone à télécharger, je fus manager et chargée de communication pour differents groupes de metal. Je suis actuellement en congé. Maaaaais je peux discuter quand meme et si besoin, donner des conseils ou mon avis!! Je suis sur myspace pour faire de la promo pour Headline ainsi que pour trouver des contacts.. je recherche du taf pour le milieu d'année prochaine : chargée de prod, de comm, ou encore management ou booking..I am not the singer of Headline, I am not an either bass player, I do not sell a grass with laughing, nor of ringings of telephone to be downloaded, I was to manage and in charge of communication for various groups of metal. I am currently on leave.but I can discuss when same.And if need be, to give councils or my opinion!! I am on myspace to make promotion for Headline like finding contacts. I seek taf for the middle of next year: charged of prod, comm, or management or booking..I seek a work for the next year, after my leave maternity. Fields of competences: booking, management, communication, artistic production, artistic secretariat. I will like to work in an agency, a booking or a management structure, metal medium or rock'n'roll. Cv and competences on request. Thank you to pass information. I am currently on leave maternity, still 3 months...(yes!!) Right before my leave,i managed groups of metal and i organized concerts. I have my own association, I prefere to work only that badly accompanied. I am independent and demanding in work. I started in this whore of world metal there is nearly 10 years and I tested myself with almost all the trades : starting with the photograph, then to find concerts for pals who made music, to make wiring for sound, to assemble scenes, to discharge from the trucks... Now to work for groups, to occupy me their careers, to help them to grow east what I prefer. I have do of my passion my single work. Probably, i am impassioned too much. I always preferred to work in the shade, I like the scene, but I cannot occur there. I will take again the job of more beautiful the next year! While waiting, I did not die and of behind my computer, I continue to work!! Here is for the serious part!!Extreme, Passionate, Impatient, Demanding, Independent, Obstinate, Extrovert, Loyal, Faithful, Devoted, Integrates, Insolente, Proud, Insolente, Honest, Paradoxical, Hypersensitive, Protective, Likely, Respectful, Cerebral, Spiritual, Critical, Cynical, Ironic,Impulsive.. that's who i'am ! Welcome to my world!Myspace For Girls Only - Generate your own contact table!
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