influenced by P Rondat, C Achard, C Godin, G Howe, R Thal, M Eklundh, Vai, Scoffiled .... every guitarists and musicians playing their own way ... I create the instrumental band "Fantastic(s)3" with Pascal Biwandu (drums) and Wilfried Widmann (Bass) three years ago, trying to do our own music . We records our first album in 2005 summer and it's distibued since april 2006 by french label Acropole Records. We have done many concerts in France notably first part of Jeff Kollman Band, Christophe godin, With our friends from Plug'in Band and Parralaxe Band, many festivals and masterclass...I create my own signature guitar model with Xavier Petit ( ) but i finally endorssed Vigier guitar and exclusively use a fabulous Vigier excalibur custom guitar ( also endorsse the perfect amps : Mesa Boogie ...;-)I recorded Two years ago a guitar teaching video and i writte teaching heading for the french web magazine "guitare live" playing in the style of : J Petrucci, P Gilbert, P Rondat, Y Malmsteen, R Kotzen, S Vai, J Becker, S Morse, C Berry, D Guilmour .... funk, Blues, Major scales and deliator ....I create teaching vidéos every month for the french web site " ". I also take part in the teaching part of the very best french guitar magazine "GuitareXtem" ...I also took part to the "fusion project" (Greatwinds/Musea) created by Mel Gaynor ,Stephane Deriau-Reine and Jan-Olof Strandberg, recording some Rythm guitars and a solo ;-))At last , i'm the teaching director of the french music school "Arema Rock et Chanson" ( ) in Talence(33) ...
and give masterclasses wherever people want me to !
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Find me in the teaching book and in video on the cdrom of each numbers of the GuitareXtreme magazine for courses of all level: beginning, intermediary, advanced, and accompaniment ;-))teaser new album "Unknown parameter value"