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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a 38 y/o man living, loving and laughing in VA Beach, VA. I have three daughters (10, 12 & 14) that mean the world to me. Their mom and I split up in 2001 and we share custody 50/50 a week at a time. I've been in the insurance business for the past 18 years and I really enjoy it. When I'm not checking up on my daughter's MySpace I enjoy fishing, boating, golfing, poker and just having fun. I try to love everyone no matter how they appear or act. We are all products of our environment and some people have known nothing but bad. I want to be the bright spot in your day and the smile that makes you warm inside.

My Interests

I'm interested in what makes people tick. It's usually fairly easy to figure out, but it gets harder when you don't know their background. I love a challenge, but I hate to see people lose. It sickens me when I see how abusive and destructive people can be. I wish I could make more of a positive impact on our culturally decaying society. I really enjoy kids because I view them as adults that aren't screwed up yet. There's still hope that they will grow up to be kind, considerate, caring people.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Al Gore so I can thank him for inventing the internet. Seriously, I'd like to meet a bunch of old people who still have their minds in tact. I'm getting tired of learning life's lessons one by one. It seems like they are looking for someone to listen to them talk for hours and I want to know all the mistakes they made so I don't have to repeat them. Hasn't someone published a book on LIFE yet? It's really not that difficult, but it can sure screw you up every now and then.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klbEN9cpx_I, I like most everything except country and rap. Maybe they will combine the two one day so I can be truly disgusted. In the meanwhile I try and keep up with what's new and enjoy what I grew up on. It seems like all the popular new songs are rips off of old ones? What happened to ELVIS? Is he dead or something?


Give me a good movie that has me thinking after it's over any day. I don't want to have to watch someone else's drama. There's enough of that in life everyday. If it doesn't make me think then I better laugh or be scared. It's a shame that it get's harder and harder to get scared as you get older. If you get some free time, please take a moment to scare the sh|t out of me. Remind me to thank you for it later.


What good is it for other than sticking little kids in front of it so you can clean the house or get a moment of privacy? I can get lost in the History channel, Discovery channel or what I like to call reality TV. Did you happen to catch the "Planet Earth" special? AWESOME!


I have a stack of books on my night stand that I'm trying to get to. I seem to do better listening to them on cd while I'm driving. It's hard to get the "2 minute version" out of a 200 page book. Just get to the point already. What are you trying to tell me here? I'd rather read a good blog.


The heroes I admire are the people that can put the welfare of others ahead of themselves. It seems like the people who are always trying to "get something" for themselves are always searching. The people who are trying to "give something" to others are enjoying the heck out of it. Give a little of yourself to someone less fortunate, sick, lonely, etc. Then you can be my hero.

My Blog

Personsality Type?

You Are An ENTP..http://images.blogthings.com/whatsyourpersonalitytypeq uiz/entp.jpg" height="100" width="100">The VisionaryYou are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.You po...
Posted by Mike on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:04:00 PST