Heres a little basic history about me I'm born and raised in New York mostly the Bronx and 2 years in Yonkers Moved to Norfolk Va. and was Djing mad house parties a couple of big joints for the college basketball back in the day.Formed a crew called Right and Exact,got on the radio a few times,shit was going good for a min,then some bullshit happened and I was unable to be around music for three years(eight digit .. real niggas know what that is)Got back to music brought an ensoniq eps and said fuck Va.There's a saying about Va. go on vacation leave on probation that's some real shit I love the people and all that but fuck that,so I came to Ohio got some more equiptment asr and some software finally steeping up to the mpc.Basically I do this as a hobby when I get a little time which is hardly ever cause between making a living and being a pops to my kids I got very little time,I am a usa boxing coach trainer and i train my two sons one of which is in my pics.I had kids young and kind of grew up with them which was hard but worked out good as far as my relationship with them.Now back to music I can't stand the radio I love authentic hip hop so I make my own and listen to other real hip hop heads.I'm not really pushing my music cause I do it for the love but I would definetly like to do this full time so If I happened to get picked up it's all good if not I'm still good (nothing lossed).I hope you enjoy my quick throw togethers.I just put up a quick 10 min. joint and if I get enough good feedback I'll finish it right .Thanks for stopping through I appreciate it
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