Deb profile picture


There are two worlds: the world that we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel w

About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

I'm independent and open minded. I love to travel and experience new things. I'm very easygoing. I have a great sense of humor and enjoy people who don't take themselves too seriously. Although I'm 54, I feel like 40 (I think age is a state of mind).

I have a 24 yr old daughter and 5 yr old grandson. Besides my family, I am passionate about the sea, interior decorating, genealogy (Scottish), paranormal activities, technology, baseball (ASTROS!), warm fires and coffee. I have a real love for the arts (music, movies and photography). Although I love spending time outdoors in the warm sun, I also love thunderstorms and snow. I'm a romantic at heart.

My Interests

Architecture, Space, Genealogy, the Sea and paranormal activities.

Recently, I have become interested in the subject of blood. Nearly 85% of all humans have RH positive blood. This means the positive blood contains a protein that can be traced to the Rhesus monkey. I happen to fall in the 15% that can not be traced to the Rhesus. I want to know why! There are a couple of interesting theories written on this. Some think it is due to Alien invasion and some think the neg's are the only humans that actually derived from Adam (of the Garden of Eden). Both theories are pretty far fetched, but fascinating to read!

I'd like to meet:

Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Albert Einstein, Socrates, Howard Hughes, William Randolph Hearst and Aliens.


I like all kinds of just depends on my mood. I especially love 70's rock, the piano and Enya.


I'm a movie nut! I would have to say Legends of the Fall, Lord of the Rings and the Godfather Triologies are my all time favorites. I also love period movies and anything by Alfred Hitchcock (he was brilliant!).


Sex and the City, House, anything related to paranormal and Astros games.


Stories by Steven King. I also love to read books that are related to Genealogy (I'm kind of a history nut).


My Dad - I miss his sense of humor.