Drinking, playing my guitar, going to gigs and buying sneakers... img src ="http://static.flickr.com/23/30856664_218521bd18.jpg"
John Lennon - I'd love to talk to him about how his life changed musicimg src ="http://www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/localhistory/journey/stars/ beatles/houses/john_lennon.jpg"
If I was to name my favourite band ever I'd have to say Radiohead! Thom Yorke writes some of the best lyrics I've ever heard. I can't wait or their new album next year... img src="http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/80/013_LP0676. jpg"
Absolutely film mad. I can be flicking through the channels and stumble across a film. Before Iknow I'm completely drawn in and end up sitting up until the early hours of the morning (even if the film is shite)!!!
Addicted to "Spaced" at the moment. It's become my official hangover/come down DVD...img src="http://www.phill.co.uk/comedy/spaced/sp04.jpg"
Reading John Peel's autobiography at the moment. Great read!!!