Vela Lugosi profile picture

Vela Lugosi

Ask Mark about the new dog I gave him!

About Me

Mark and I share our lives willingly and painlessly. He spoils me rotten and I would die for him. He is not only a great father but my best friend as well. It is just an added bonus that he is so darn cute!!! We have only been married for about three years now but we are still going strong! We have two beautiful girls named Heaven and Eden who are a constant reminder to us that life can be wonderful when shared. I love picking on him and antagonizing him (playfully and with all the love in my heart of course!)at every opportunity I get, so far he has not killed me! I am blessed with a fun job working at two bars owned by the same person. The tricky part is juggling work and school.
Mark works in a printing place, living the normal grind and punching a clock. He is currently in two bands(The Lurking Corpses and River Bottom,and dabbles around with(Black Automatic). He used to be in Downbreed, Cut the Red Wire, Beautiful Mess and bunches more in the past going back to the mid 80's.
Lola, the blockhead...
a.k.a.---- Monster Mouth
Chino, the sweetheart!
He's Mark's dog, I swear!
Harry Potter Trailer

My Interests

I like green t- shirts, books, two hour baths, world religion, hanging out with Nicole,nature, listening to Type O Negative at a very loud level,my koi pond, animals, thunderstorms, coffee, driving with the windows down and the heat on, cuddles with Mark, the green man, mythology, playing pranks on my husband and trying to get through school and keep my sanity.

Mark likes making contraptions of all sorts, drawing, being a dad, knitting doilies, and playing his guitar. In his spare time he brushes strange patterns into the carpet with old combs. He enjoys building his own guitars and has acquired quite a collection. One of his favorite pass times is to spontaneously take them apart and leave them laying around for me to trip over. I fall for it every time too, I just never know when it is coming and have a bad habit of not looking down when I am in a hurry (which is all the time). I suppose it is one of the ways he expresses his love.

Eagerly awaiting the new Type O Negative cd, Dead Again, due in March!

Myspace Images

I'd like to meet:

The little neighborhood brat who keeps throwing apples into my koi pond and throwing off the ph level! I also would not mind meeting the two assholes who stole my daughter's porch swing right off our porch!


Mark likes a lot of stuff Deftones, Amen, Murderdolls, Nashville Pussy, Wednesday 13, Norma Jean, Melvins, Converge, Team Sleep, old school stuff like, Faster Pussycat, Skid Row, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Dokken and Loudness.

And well.....I like mostly Type O Negative, Murderdolls - basically anything Wednesday does, Moonspell, Tristania, Therion, Sins of Thy Beloved, Theatre of Tragedy, Team Sleep, Alice In Chains, Mad Season, Flogging Molly, Sublime, Bare Naked Ladies, Concrete Blonde, most eighties hair bands, sappy love ballads, the more make up and theatrics the better!


Jeez, there's so many...From Dusk Till Dawn (all of them), The Prophecy 1,2,& 3, Monty Python's The Holy Grail. The Life of Brian, Dead and Breakfast any Tim Burton or Jay and Silent Bob movies, Napoleon Dynamite, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, cheesy horror movies of the B variety.


We both watch the Discovery channel,HBO (Carnival, Sopranos, Big Love), science and history channels, VH1, comedy central and animal planet, oh yeah--court tv, can't forget that. We crack out on any show having to do with forensic science. I like watching Dog the Bounty Hunter for some reason I can not explain. Does anyone else think he resembles Dee Snider? Maybe that is why I can not turn the channel when it is on. I just get in this paralyzed state and do not move till it is over.

Charissa and Jenny

Charissa and Sabrina

Charissa and Nicole

Charissa and Big Heaven


I will read and re-read anything by Anne Rice, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, J.K. Rowling, Tolkien, Dr. Seuss, Lovecraft, V.C. Andrews, most Henry Rollins and all Gregory Maguire. Any book about King Arthur and serial killers--but not together! This new class I took just for fun has opened the door to old, classic literature for me and now I can not get enough of it.

Mark does not usually read books only music mags, the backs of shampoo bottles and cereal boxes. Sometimes he even reads the directions that go to things, but then only if he has already spent an hour trying to figure out how to put something together without them.


My heroes are, Aunt Jemima, Davy Jones, Mr. Bubble, Homer, Christopher Walken, Don Quixote, Bozo the Clown, and my wonderful, adorable, husband Mark.

Mark's heroes would probably be several old school guitar gods...check with him on that.

My Blog

drunk. fucking idiots...................................

Why do people have to be retarded?  I know I ask for it given my job and the environment. but damn!  People never cease to amaze me!  People that are your good friends can drink a coupl...
Posted by Mark and Charissa on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 02:36:00 PST

Type O Negative's new CD

Nothing could make me more happy than to find out that my favorite band of all time is releasing a new cd.  Yep, that's right Type O Negative will release "Dead Again" on March 13.  The last...
Posted by Mark and Charissa on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:19:00 PST

left over Chinese food

When you come home after a hard day of work and it's late(I work at a bar), you don't feel like cooking.  The best thing in the world is to open up the fridge and find that leftover taleout food ...
Posted by Mark and Charissa on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:47:00 PST

jumping on the bandwagon

I get the point that you're supposed to write stuff on here so other people can read it and tell you what you want to hear(or not)and comment on it.  So since Mark will never do it I guess I will...
Posted by Mark and Charissa on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 09:10:00 PST