"That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary. Go and study it." --Rabbi Hillel
From this I understand that, before I am anything else, I am a member of the human family. Thus my primary allegiance must be to the rule of universal justice for all of humankind. Once this is assured I am free to indulge in any secondary groupings I choose to identify with.
I long for a world of Peace, Justice and Sustainability and seek to care for the ecological integrity of our planet for it is our only home.
The above describes my primary interest and the primary source of relevence in my life.
My hobbies are reading and writing and socializing with my family and friends. I love art and music but am not very creative in these spheres and tend to sing off-key even when I'm enjoying my own croaky voice.
What appears above alternatively impresses me as either a distilation of the essential me or as pompous posturing. Then . . . maybe even such a thin slice of my total life, my overwhelmingly confused reality, that it is as meaningless a representation as an accidental exposure when the camera was dangling at my side. At the very least, it indicates my aspiration if not my reality.
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