Bender profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

You are Bender Bending Rodriquez

What Futurama Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla I'm a Unit 22 Bending Unit and my mothers 1729 th son. My father was killed by a can opener. Comprised of 40% Zinc and 40% Titanium I later attended Bending State college where I majored in Bending and minored in Robo-American studies. I became a legend for my pranks while being part of the house Epsilon rho rho. I then took up a successful career in bending Girders but tried to kill myself when I found out there were for suicide booths. I was saved by Fry and later took up the job of ships cook at Planet Express. My other pastimes include watching TV, smoking cigars and stealing. To be able to function properly I need the chemical energy from alcohol, so excessive drinking is mandatory or I will become sober and unable to control my body. Magnets stuck to my head make me sing like a folk singer. This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5

My Interests

Lunar landers, black jack, fact, forget the lunar lander...and the blackjack.

I'd like to meet:



I've always wanted to be a folk singer... DAMN YOU MAGNETS!


All My Circuits, Everyone Loves Hypno Toad, porn


Bender's Arrest Record... By: The Police


Calculon, Elzar...BAM!