anything of an authentic nature. the pure and the visceral -- i like to draw pictures and write on stuff. my stuff. your stuff. really just about anybody's stuff, especially when they're not looking. bicycles. taking photographs of anything. prime numbers, socialism, anarchy, sustainability, philosophy, physics, astronomy, social justice, evolution, good coffee, people that drink coffee, people that smell like pencil shavings, pranks, artful anything, guerilla theatre, nostalgia, gypsies, trance eroticism, found footage experience, balance of acceleration, benthic macroinvertebrates, borosilicate lab dishes, uni-balls, sharpies, markwells, soil cation exchange, native prairie grasses, experiencing personal apogee, abrupt changes in topography, ceramics reminiscent of marshmallows and skin, ladies that love dirt and clay
the Great Compassionate Bodhisattva Kuan-yin, Tripitaka, Monkey - Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Ts'ui Chio - Judge of the Dead, the Emperor of the Tower of the Five Phoenixes, the tribes of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, the Minister of the Zen Hall of the Treasure Wood Temple, the Deer Strength Immortal, the Ram Strength Immortal, the Dragon King, the Abbot of the Temple of the Golden Mountain and anyone else seeking illumination.
all the time
want to make them
ones with tables, graphs and big words.
there are no fuckin heroes