Frances profile picture


It's like a Lifetime movie. With cock.

About Me

English, Vegan, Mean.

Hair Stylist. Brooklyn, NY.AIM xxDUNEBUGxx

My Interests

+ Hello Kitty, Boys Who Smell Expensive, Be@rbricks, Sleeping, Wicket, Shadow, Princess Fuzzybottom, Pieface McFlatterson, Eating In The Bath, Sewing, Big Hair, Going Home, Obsessive Cleaning, Bubbles, Straight Lines, Warm Weather, Baking, No Eye Contact, Filtered Water, Not Remembering, Pyjamas, Bright colours, My Mum And Dad, Oli, Lynn, Abi, Denise, Self Preservation.
- People Who Owe Me Money, Stopping By Unannounced, The Pigeons In My Back Yard, Cold Baths, Chipped Nails, Roots, Sprained Ankles. Strangers Who Talk At Me, Hairballs.

I'd like to meet:

And: Millionaires.


Anything you'll take me to the theatre to see.


Michael Monroe, my parents.

My Blog

Princess Fuzzybottom gets a haircut

So Miss Fuzzy was a sad mess of dreadlocks. I try and keep on top of them, but no cigar. She especially wont let me anywhere near her underneath with a grooming brush so occasionally theres only one ...
Posted by Frances on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 09:16:00 PST

Thats right, we party

Posted by Frances on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:25:00 PST